This article was written by a member of the community !
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Whats up, maniaplanet?!
It's May already and the summer knocks on the door again! Time to finish your big movies before heading to vacation! Before, it't time for this month's BVOTM! Submit your / your buddies clips and give yourself / them a chance to win here!
This cool screenshot was a co-production by SiH and Darkpuddle. Pure art. 4K link soon!
Don't forget to:
- Submit your video/picture link here (if your video is not already on the list)
- Stay tuned for the vote page, so you can provide it for your fans, if they want to support you!
- Tell everyone (or atleast the people, who are interested in it)!
You can check the last months results here.
How does that process work?
- This post includes a list of all videos we remember/found these months. Submit yours and we will add it to the list.
- You will have time to submit your video link / your friends video link until the 8th of June.
- Voting starts on Monday, the 9th of June and ends on Friday, the 13th of June. Community Votes in total count about 25-50 %, the rest is up to the judges.
- Best Videos of the Month on Monday, the 12th June.
The submissions list will be edited soon!
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btw i like how you talk in may when the article is written in june 2nd xD
Obstacle on "Juice"
this is not a video by me but by a guy called Alexis, it's a skill movie about a player called Cruzial and uses footage from a livestream I hosted during ESL of him: [ Stadium²] CruZial - Road to Revelation
I care less about this getting any votes, but here you go anyway.
Be The Reds!
? Are the video submitions for May?
by M1K3
"MCYC" Tears Intro Preview (Titelpack "Tears" Singleplayer Preview)