This article was written by a member of the community !
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Time to vote folks!
I personally expected more videos, but well, maybe someone didn't submit his video yet! Otherwise, everything as usual.
5 Votes for Trackmania videos, 1 for Shootmania. Results after Voting has finished and when I have the time! You can still submit videos from May! Gogo!
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btw i like how you talk in may when the article is written in june 2nd xD
Obstacle on "Juice"
this is not a video by me but by a guy called Alexis, it's a skill movie about a player called Cruzial and uses footage from a livestream I hosted during ESL of him: [ Stadium²] CruZial - Road to Revelation
I care less about this getting any votes, but here you go anyway.
Be The Reds!
? Are the video submitions for May?
by M1K3
"MCYC" Tears Intro Preview (Titelpack "Tears" Singleplayer Preview)