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NADEO/Ubisoft communiqué :
Ubisoft and NADEO are proud to announce that you will no more have to wait for TrackMania² : Valley, with a release scheduled for the 4rth July 2013. TrackMania² : Valley will be available on ManiaPlanet, downloadable on Trackmania.com and Steam.
Valley is the new environment from the TrackMania collection, and bring it to a new level. The game will have a new driving style, a solo campaign with 65 races, and wil be featured with several game modes for Online and Offline gaming.
Message from Hylis :
“As we were co-developing Stadium and Valley concurrently it meant we finished development of each around the same time. We could have chosen to postpone the release of one of these two titles, but we rather preferred to launch both games as soon as possible, thinking that this is what players would want for the summer. Our fans have been waiting so patiently since we announced Valley in 2009, we wanted to reward them as soon as we could with this release.” déclare Florent Castelnerac, Founder & Managing Director chez Nadeo.
It seems that today, news about Valley are coming up! Indeed, since this morning, NADEO published on their facebook official page some pictures and Screenshots about the Valley's mood.
So we do not know exactly what will come next, but we will publish and update this news as soon as we get some new informations, for the ones that still resist and do not have any facebook account.
The Shots :
This first image is a real picture, showing a valley and a bird, with the sentence "Do you like birds?". We know exactly what Valley will look like and this will be like this!
This second shot is a ingame screenshot, showing how beautifull this game will be
Nice view, isn't it?
15h : Release of Valley the 4 July. Some new screenshots added:
>> News Tools
Something like, if you own for example all 3 games which are available at the moment (Canyon, Stadium, Storm) you'll get 20% off for the next enviroment (Valley).
That way it wouldn't sound that bad that you have to pay for every new envi again and again because you have a reason to own them all (gotta catch 'em all!). :)
Minato, if people that does not like them, don't buy them, and now, people who like them should pay less, then we would need to increase the price of the first ones to compensate, and less people will buy first ones.
Again, not my intention to misguide anyone. I only took the official numbers. If they aren't reliable then that's news to me. But even if they aren't completely reliable, they still paint a pretty clear picture to me.
Well, I would assume those advertisements did bring in revenue to Nadeo, and with that many people I would assume they didn't do too badly with it. Of course it's not the most reliable way of earning money, but I think it's shown these days that it's a pretty profitable and acceptable way of handling a game, especially for a competitive game (I guess League of Legends is by far the best example of this, and that one seems to still do alright with no sight in stopping).
Oh and you keep talking vaugely about my arguments with Hylis, which I don't really get. If you have something to say, just say it instead of referencing to something with no specifics.
I agree that was a problem (still is), but I don't think it's an unsolving problem. You gotta make those guys committed to the game in some ways and get exposed of what's happening in the community, I think that could be done better. For example in the new game, afaik you can't submit any ingame community news which definitely was something that also was great with TMNF.
Well I would have liked if that path that TMNF had was continued, because I think it worked pretty good seeing as how well TMNF was doing. Also maybe getting to create and buy certain stuff in the game (stuff that won't get you a benefit) could be something that could work that creates revenue (it certainly do in other games where people even make a living from making in-game items and selling, such as Team Fortress 2). But also have the option of buying a version with some more features sounds good to me. I think this model could perhaps also work here. And I think it's a pretty suited one for a competitive title too.
I agree on the ingame news side: that was (and still is, for TMF) a great feature. Maybe such a system could be integrated to the maniahome in an upcoming update of Maniaplanet (through adding a "news" item for instance).
Dou you mean you would enjoy the Freezones system in TM2? Or do you believe it is still possible to afford the game thanks to the advertisement only? The costly additional features could be a risky strategy, because if single players can sell such items as well, it would make those players opponents of Nadeo.
I don't really trust in the free to play model, anyway. If you are not paying for something, you are the product being sold!
A demo should be something good but its limitations have to be well balanced. With too much limitations, it doesn't show the potential of the game and doesn't make the players buy it. With not enough, people feel they have already all, no need for more. Maybe something like a limited weekly online time could make it?
You'd really think they would try some EASY marketing strategies such as this, but we nothing but a facebook post once in a while. It's honestly as if they aren't even trying - someone needs to be fired in that operation, because it is clear the marketing of Nadeo has been an egregious failure.
Anyways, It seems the game will be announced between 14:00 and 19:00 CEST today (from twitter)
Nevertheless, you shouldn't claim it's a failure until you see how it sells. If Valley becomes a wonderful game with few players because of bad advertisement, then Nadeo should have huge regrets on this side of course. Anyway, i still prefer a good game with bad advertisement and small community, to a bad game with good advertisement and big community, although the latter should provide more benefits to its creator. :D
Last but not least, the trend in video games is nowadays to release unfinished games and to fit them during the first months they are sold. Without open beta, we might fall in this case and maybe they prefer to start advertising when the game is well-tried. Let's hope we'll not face a mess like Storm did...
*clicking the order button*