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NADEO/Ubisoft communiqué :
Ubisoft and NADEO are proud to announce that you will no more have to wait for TrackMania² : Valley, with a release scheduled for the 4rth July 2013. TrackMania² : Valley will be available on ManiaPlanet, downloadable on Trackmania.com and Steam.
Valley is the new environment from the TrackMania collection, and bring it to a new level. The game will have a new driving style, a solo campaign with 65 races, and wil be featured with several game modes for Online and Offline gaming.
Message from Hylis :
“As we were co-developing Stadium and Valley concurrently it meant we finished development of each around the same time. We could have chosen to postpone the release of one of these two titles, but we rather preferred to launch both games as soon as possible, thinking that this is what players would want for the summer. Our fans have been waiting so patiently since we announced Valley in 2009, we wanted to reward them as soon as we could with this release.” déclare Florent Castelnerac, Founder & Managing Director chez Nadeo.
It seems that today, news about Valley are coming up! Indeed, since this morning, NADEO published on their facebook official page some pictures and Screenshots about the Valley's mood.
So we do not know exactly what will come next, but we will publish and update this news as soon as we get some new informations, for the ones that still resist and do not have any facebook account.
The Shots :
This first image is a real picture, showing a valley and a bird, with the sentence "Do you like birds?". We know exactly what Valley will look like and this will be like this!
This second shot is a ingame screenshot, showing how beautifull this game will be
Nice view, isn't it?
15h : Release of Valley the 4 July. Some new screenshots added:
>> News Tools
You miss anything,(french) people are rarely satisfied ^^
Il va de soit que stadium écrase tous les autres environnements et devrait être la seule et unique extension jouée en compétition. Les autres enviros sont bien évidemment des sous jeux créés pour des sous joueurs.
*sort le pop corn*
@minato: trkr simply says: Stadium > all
and grabs his popcorn box o.o
I'm just wondering, does "downloadable from Steam" actually means we're gonna have to pay for it, again ? Maybe everyone already knows it and I'm not following anything but it's quite a pain in the as* to pay again for some new environment/game...
And where is the esport going after this ? Of course we didn't see anything on the Stadium 2 trailer mentioning the esport when Stadium is clearly made for it... I heard Mania Planet is setting up something so we, the players, could organize our competitions. But, well, I'm quite sure this will end up as a fail.
What about offline competitions ? Which environment, which game, which unlogical cashprize ? I just don't understand why there is so much money giving away for Shootmania since there are so many FPS games, and on the other hand there is TMNF without any acceptable cashprize but without any other game that could compete with it... Will it be the same for Valley ? This is so messy since Ubi came up...
Nadeo explained since the beginning of ManiaPlanet that any environment would have a price. Those who followed from the beginning never expected Valley to be free. Anyway, if you don't want to waste money, don't buy it: Stadium is already more than enough and the rest is unnecessary.
And it's definitely too early to talk about esports. Maybe Valley will have a fully lucky gameplay, that will make it completely unworthy for such events. And i think Nadeo shouldn't give too much money to esports, which creates too many mollycoddled children. Guys such as Frostbeule will hardly help Nadeo to succeed.
#18 : Enfin un message constructif ! Je ne souhaite rien de moins qu'une réussite aux exD. S'ils y arrivent, ils auront apporté beaucoup au jeu et comblé sa plus grosse lacune. Je suis assez d'accord aussi avec ton analyse des "communautarismes" sur TM et les stratégies de Nadeo sont souvent pour le moins obscures...
#16 : Le problème, c'est que tes messages précédents laissaient croire exactement le contraire : "Pourquoi laisser les gens jouer leurs enviros préférés alors qu'on devrait bien pouvoir les forcer à jouer un jeu qu'ils n'aiment pas ?" (ce qui ne peut pas marcher, par ailleurs).
Et sinon il y a des rageux partout et de plus en plus sur TM, malheureusement.
Still can't wait for it ;)
#27: I learned french and I can understand what you guys are discussing. ANYWAYS, there are also - let's say - some guys who learned English to perform the right way of browsing and discussing in the Internet. French is a beautiful language, but it just makes you look like potatoeheads when you use it in front of a non-french crowd. How would you react if I start speaking german to another guy infront of you? ;)
-no offense. All rights and lefts reserved-
Nadeo gave money to TrackMania in eSports? That's news to me.
Really don't understand what you're trying to say here about me. But feel free to elaborate your thoughts (in English please if you can).
If I'm wrong, bash me hard.
You've seem to have got the wrong idea of me. I'm very grass-roots oriented and have always been, not just in TrackMania. I completely understand the importance of building up and supporting a solid community which is why I do all the things that I do such as streaming and casting matches, writing news both here on Mania-Actu and ingame (when Nadeo decides to accept them that is which they didn't the last time I tried to submit one...) and with all the advertisement I do on Twitter and Facebook. I also am involved with something called "TrackMania Versus" which aims to post streams and relays to TrackMania-matches on Facebook, and lastly I've been an admin for several tournaments in the past. I think I can even be bold enough to say that there are very few individuals that do more than me when it comes to community-oriented work.
So I do a lot besides talking endlessly to Hylis (which sadly is rather pointless and I do regret spending all that time doing it because it has led to absolutely nothing).
Well if you start talking in your native language in front of me I'd think that it doesn't concern me so I wouldn't mind. Also if it's worth the interest I'd try to translate it by myself before begging everyone to speak so I can understand without even trying to get some words and catch the sense of your sentences. That's just a matter of curiosity.
But keep calm, the news is written in English so the logic would apply for the comments aswell :)
Btw, I love potatoes !
With TMUF we didn't have to pay each environment the moment they went out, one game with all the environment, with one price. That's just the way Ubisoft is making business that I find disappointing. And yes it splits the communities even more, no one really knows each other from Stadium to United to Canyon and soon to Valley and no one makes the effort, except those like the exD seem to care and move.
EDIT : #33 And oh yeah, why promoting Shootmania so much while it was still on beta, totally agreed ? The players will just get frustrated because cashprices will descrease as time goes...
// tRkr style: ^_^: on
Mais oui, on est vraiment bête. On aurait du attendre encore qu'un prochain enviro soit prêt pour tout sortir. Désolé, j'y avais pas pensé et je pense que les joueurs auraient été vraiment plus contents.
// tRkr style: ^_^: off
Franchement, même sur un truc aussi évident, j'aurai du mal à ce que Silver reconnaisse que c'était peut-être une accusation un peu légère de sa part.
petit quizz pour la route, qui a écrit?
"you should just focus all things esports on just stadium."
on dirait presque du tRkr ^_^ Mais qu'il se rassure le mec, le temps passé à discuté à servi à quelque chose, même si c'est à l'effet opposé qu'il recherchait, puisque plutôt que je fasse partie d'un groupe qui mettrait à la poubelle tout ceux qui souhaiteraient autre chose, je suis plutôt parti sur le terrain de défendre la diversité et ceux qui la représentent.
Je pense que Stadium redeviendra grand si et seulement si ses joueurs les plus actifs arrivent à s'intégrer au reste, en lui apportant des choses, et en recevant des choses. Nous avons travaillé à son intégration à Maniaplanet pour cela, et cela lui donne un avenir bien plus grand que son isolation. Ceux qui ont essayé de se désolidariser plusieurs fois sont ceux qui ont fait le plus de tord à l'enviro. Et je pense qu'ils le savent très bien, surtout quand d'autres souhaiteraient les isoler. Je défendrai Stadium, Canyon, Valley et Storm, en leur donnant une chance d'exister. Stadium a eu sa mise à jour, il a son prix, Valley a sa sortie, Canyon aura sa démo en premier sur Trackmania probablement. Storm, qui est tout seul à côté de trois TM, Nations et United, aura encore des mises à jour et aussi sa demo. Bref, on essaye d'apporter un Maniaplanet dans le bon esprit de TMO, ou certains faisaient que du Rallye et d'autres du multi enviro, dans la joie et la bonne humeur, avec personne qui critiquait les agissements des uns et des autres. Je ne sais pas si c'est le cashprize qui a créé ce changement, mais si c'est le cas, vous devez savoir que vous y avez perdu beaucoup au change.
Anyway, I hope that Valley IS NOT suitable for eSports. Stadium and Canyon fit to them well due to their special physics imo. If Valley does, why didn't coast, island, bay, rally, desert and island fit? I just hope that all of you could be happy with that we have soon 9 good environments to build and drive for fun, and 2 to drive professionally.
Don't be so serious about all, all the time ^^
Valley semble définitivement être un environnement amusant, mais Stadium sera toujours le titre E-sport pour moi.
Je pense également que sortir les 3 enviros en même temps aurait été plus judicieux , c'est mon avis .
J'ai hâte de pouvoir y jouer en tout cas ;-)