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NADEO/Ubisoft communiqué :
Ubisoft and NADEO are proud to announce that you will no more have to wait for TrackMania² : Valley, with a release scheduled for the 4rth July 2013. TrackMania² : Valley will be available on ManiaPlanet, downloadable on Trackmania.com and Steam.
Valley is the new environment from the TrackMania collection, and bring it to a new level. The game will have a new driving style, a solo campaign with 65 races, and wil be featured with several game modes for Online and Offline gaming.
Message from Hylis :
“As we were co-developing Stadium and Valley concurrently it meant we finished development of each around the same time. We could have chosen to postpone the release of one of these two titles, but we rather preferred to launch both games as soon as possible, thinking that this is what players would want for the summer. Our fans have been waiting so patiently since we announced Valley in 2009, we wanted to reward them as soon as we could with this release.” déclare Florent Castelnerac, Founder & Managing Director chez Nadeo.
It seems that today, news about Valley are coming up! Indeed, since this morning, NADEO published on their facebook official page some pictures and Screenshots about the Valley's mood.
So we do not know exactly what will come next, but we will publish and update this news as soon as we get some new informations, for the ones that still resist and do not have any facebook account.
The Shots :
This first image is a real picture, showing a valley and a bird, with the sentence "Do you like birds?". We know exactly what Valley will look like and this will be like this!
This second shot is a ingame screenshot, showing how beautifull this game will be
Nice view, isn't it?
15h : Release of Valley the 4 July. Some new screenshots added:
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But eSport in TM is not dead, because when i have a team game to play, and i trained hard for it, i just have the feling that i am playing sport...And i am far from beiing alone in that case.
What exactly eSport mean for u? Cash, LCS and WCS? eSport is much much more...
Sl3vin, you probably missed the Canyon World Cup and the ManiaGala Stadium final ^_^
Anyway, I think that eSport has a bright future on Maniaplanet, thanks to the tool, the community and the players. It is a little like eSport of 2000 and eSport of 2010. CS was the max, now it is LoL. Our target is something new, and based on what infar just said: more people, good spirit, great fun.
If you want to be part of the LCS, glhf.
Just open your eyes and take into consideration real facts. It's pretty obvious that esports on tm is dead for a while. When you know that organizations like eswc didn't manage to find 16 motivated top class players in 2011 to play a world cup, that's something crazy. There is not any tm tournaments at dreamhack. It's hard to get interesting arguments to bring international players to gamers assembly because no sponsors, no money, just fun.
Esport is not random offline events that anybody can take part to. Lots of people here try to talk about this subject without fully knowing it. Esports is video games professionnalization.
Without marketing, no sales, no players. Without support, players loosing. Without players, no tournaments, no sponsors visibility, no tournaments, no esports.
That's so simple
I can compare with amateur tennis, just a sport where i want to defeat my opponents and have fun. Trackmania is just a game (a wonderful game).
Anyway, i totally agree with you guys when you say : more people, good spirit and great fun. When i play a game, it's my first motivation (kick some ass too :p), but i think this is not real eSport, and i don't blaming you. I had so much fun on Trackmania for all these years.
The right question is: why there's so few new players on Trackmania, and why there's so few sales in the world?
I often criticized Hylis for the way to manage the game but it he the merit to believe in community involvement and try to make us live ...
when I see comments like : the only e-sports stadium trackmania is set, it gets on my nerves because it is totally false!
Any game can become E-Sport from the moment we are motivated and than we give our best to help to achieve this goal
a perfect example : WORLD OF TANK, the creators of the game have never had the goal of making this game a Esport game and yet it is now the case, and all thanks to the community
then stopped to tell me that only stadium can be an eSport game!Everyone has a chance but you are too selfish to help the all community
because yes frost, TRKR ect ect ... are important members of the community ... but only the STADIUM community and it's shame because they could with their fame helped ALL the community and not just their own interests ...
I want the same speech to the players Shootmania and canyon!It still boasts of having the best community in the world but has strength to pull on we, we will sign our end...Sorry for my bad english...and sorry for my frankness, if I hurt someone or disrespect in my remarks I excuse
There is less free players, indeed, but the size of everything is bigger. It feels less united, because there are many places around, and really visible things that are fading, like Mania Creatives did. But when you will start to see that there are players on Maniaplanet (two times more than the stats here, because they do not take into account everything, from solo to map editor) then you may stop asking yourself the wrong questions: compete or not compete, that's the question ^_^
Bullshit...Sorry to say that but you are mixing reality with your desires. I do not get what you, trkr, want to say to NADEO.
Stop NADEO making anything? A kind of shock to make them react? Explain to us meaning of life?
I don't get why people can get so rude...If you are dissapointed, why reding MA, and why commenting? Just start a pro carreer on lol and you'll be happy.
Sl3vin : i get what u want to say, and thx to express yourself, but in my opinion, u mix eSport and pro eSport which are quite different...I play eSport the way i deceided. It is me who decide if i am adopting sport philosophy when i turn on my computer. And i think you too. You seems in the same way of though than i.
If you talk about pro-eSport, yeah of course there is not much on TM. Maybe it will come, maybe it won't, but honnestly who cares. We all have fun (except trkr maybe) and that's the real important thing!
Eldrad : ok you are rigt, but maybe don't put frostbeule in the conversation. imo, just by showing how he could beat everyone on Canyon, he participated to the evolution of the game. he pushed the skills limit and that's what i call eSport evolution!
It's boring..
But better talk now, and drive later ^_^
At least, I want to say that I think that Valley is a plus for the whole mania community, including eSport like Infarctus is describing it. (just saw his wishlisht, and I need to provide him patience ^_^)
Otherwise make a news, "Trackmania ² and eSport" ;-)
If esports is playing video games in your bedroom so ok you're right. But that means I do esport every weeks with my 8 years old cousin. Humpf sorry it's a nonsense in fact it's not esports xD
After all, this is not the main subject of my posts. Tm needs more players to stay alive, that's all. Considering 1k players online instead of 20k some years ago, I can safely say the game is dead. I hope I will be wrong in the next weeks ^^
Back to Valley party \o/
Indeed TMN ESWC was a success in terms of number of registrations, but don't forget those registrations were mostly free and Nadeo afforded it only thanks to advertisement. Only Hylis knows how TMN ESWC costed and profited. Calling it "the biggest success" might be true in terms of activity, but not necessary in terms of economics. And you know as much as me that a game based on an unreliable business will not succeed on the long run. As far as i know, i never blamed you for playing only stadium, i'm just bored by the shape of your arguments with Hylis.
About the 20 000 players, ok they were a lot, but i remember mostly those lol-maps servers which were useless for racers. Nobody said "hello" in the chat. For me, 99% of those guys were clearly out of any community. Probably they didn't even have a clue about who you are, despite playing the same game, or should i say the same software? You can pretty well organize great tournaments in a small community if this community is well integrated and networked. But if it's not, more players will not save you since you'll not succeed to reach them.
I'm quite curious about what your last sentence hides. What would you suggest?
53: Hylis,
Not only i knew about the LE but it's specifically because of this legacy that i joined the ET crew. 150 simultaneous connexions on TMO? I thought it was more... Because with roughly 10 players in each team, a single LE evening should gather more than that (of course some teams reschedule their matches, but still...).
Same question as Frostbeule regarding your last paragraph: what is, according to you, the better plan (than releasing the environments by bundles)? How could this plan unite the community? In your development, you talk only about bad bahaviours... Which must be dissuaded of course, but it's a bit off topic imo.
54: Infarctus,
In the matrix, she was. But you watch too much movies. :p
58: Trkr,
Isn't it normal in the life cycle of any game?
74: Trkr,
I think we should actually not use the "esport" word because it has no meaning. Professional gaming is meaningful. Video games tournaments is meaningful. Competition is meaningful. Performing arts is meaningful. Major LAN events is meaningful. But esport is vague enough to allow anyone to make his own interpretation, or to lead people to have useless fights because they don't stick on the same definition.
5700 paying are connected at the moment, but I think that the most important is the spirit and constructivness of people around, much more than numbers, as ET proved it. Where I would like to agree with trKr, is that we desire of a big move on MP. But let us improve the quality, make the demos, and meanwhile, be more welcoming and I believe things will go really well ;)
Hylis ca c'est sur la page wikipedia t'explique ca comment xDDDD