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It's time to bring out the map editor of Trackmania² Canyon, Trackmania Nations Forever and ShootMania Storm ! We need a new packmap for TM², TMNF, SM for ESWC.FR final and ESWC World final ! This is an opportunity to show your talents in the map editor, the maps will be played by the best players in the world and seen by thousands of people on the ESWC big stage !
Trackmania² Canyon
Rules for the maps :
- Length : Between 50s and 1min10
- Style : Speed tech / Tech
- Mood : Day but Sunrise and Sunset are allowed
- Name : ESWC 2012 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Hexadecimal is Prohibited
- Include the official signs in your map :
Send the maps at this address : trackmania@drakonia.eu before Friday, October 5 at midnight.
Trackmania Nations Forever
Rules for the maps :
- Length : Between 50s and 1min10
- Style : Tech
- Mood : Day
- Name : ESWC 2012 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Hexadecimal is Prohibited
- Include the official signs in your map :
Send the maps at this address : trackmania@drakonia.eu before Friday, October 5 at midnight.
ShootMania Storm
Rules for the maps :
- Mode : Elite
- 3 checkpoints is needed on your map
- Mood : Day, Sunrise and Sunset are allowed
- Name : ESWC 2012 - Name of the map (without colors)
Hexadecimal is Prohibited
Send the maps at this address : shootmania@drakonia.eu before Friday, October 5 at midnight.
Seriously ? ESWC ON EXP ? NICE.
How kill the game, round 1 :D
Il me semble que c'est parce que les checkpoints vont être inclue dans le mode Elite normal dans la prochaine mise à jour.
gogo tmnf <3
Yes, checkpoints will be in the next update for the Elite mode.
Not really good to change the gameplay 1 month before ESWC, not even in holidays period...
When is the deadline to send the maps?
It's written... "Friday, October 5 at midnight."
Friday?!What?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
Hexadecimal is Prohibited
What do you mean by this? Blockmixing not allowed?
Yes. These games will be shown to a noob public and we want to show clean maps the most possible. If you use 1 block in blockmixing, we can maybe allow it, it depends the utilization.
#10 about TMNF maps, can you allow the 4-4-1 and 4-4-2 block on vertical position 0 (ground to 1) ?
& 1-1-5 as well (from 0 to 1) these blocks change nothing and only gives better flow to the map (thats not complicated hexa or whatsoever)
You can use it :)
The download link for logo pack does not work. It would have been much easier if you just uploaded the picture somewhere, so we can just add logo's with URL in the editor =)
Sorry, we have a problem with the link. I update the news with the link of each logo in a few minutes :)
So 4-4-1 and 4-4-2 are allowed on the ground ?
well i dont really understand your point of view guys. He said no blockmix but u keep asking for it. I'm using a lot of blockmix in my track usually, but i dealt with it and i managed to build 2 tracks. Anyway, that's my point of view, but I think you should make an effort and put Blockmix aside for this competition.
#17 He said : 'If you use 1 block in blockmixing, we can maybe allow it, it depends the utilization.'
3-1-5* 4-1-1 4-1-2 are very common about the flow especially the two last and change nothing from the eye of a noob, doesn't create more lags or whatever.
The fact i have some maps and from friends as well who have already made epic maps but can't send it if these blocks are not allowed at least for 1 utilization!
lol again failed 3-1-5 4-4-1 & 4-4-2 obviously :P
You can send us 2 versions, one with and one without if you want. Our principal objective is that you can not see the hexa either as if it was normal, which is the case for some blocks.