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It's time to bring out the map editor of Trackmania² Canyon, Trackmania Nations Forever and ShootMania Storm ! We need a new packmap for TM², TMNF, SM for ESWC.FR final and ESWC World final ! This is an opportunity to show your talents in the map editor, the maps will be played by the best players in the world and seen by thousands of people on the ESWC big stage !
Trackmania² Canyon
Rules for the maps :
- Length : Between 50s and 1min10
- Style : Speed tech / Tech
- Mood : Day but Sunrise and Sunset are allowed
- Name : ESWC 2012 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Hexadecimal is Prohibited
- Include the official signs in your map :
Send the maps at this address : trackmania@drakonia.eu before Friday, October 5 at midnight.
Trackmania Nations Forever
Rules for the maps :
- Length : Between 50s and 1min10
- Style : Tech
- Mood : Day
- Name : ESWC 2012 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Hexadecimal is Prohibited
- Include the official signs in your map :
Send the maps at this address : trackmania@drakonia.eu before Friday, October 5 at midnight.
ShootMania Storm
Rules for the maps :
- Mode : Elite
- 3 checkpoints is needed on your map
- Mood : Day, Sunrise and Sunset are allowed
- Name : ESWC 2012 - Name of the map (without colors)
Hexadecimal is Prohibited
Send the maps at this address : shootmania@drakonia.eu before Friday, October 5 at midnight.
One last question: I remember last year you notified that players attending the event couldn't send maps. Is this rule still present?
No, they can send their maps.
Map is sended, if someone want to try it out : http://sm.mania-exchange.com/maps/1749/eswc-2012-fallen-castle-17