20 |

1st - SiH - Freestylin'
SiH revives Trackmania freestyle, using older replays and cool Gramatik vibes to bring back the good memories of the good ol' Trackmania United Freestyle.
2nd - Andriv - Where is my Mind?
Andriv does things a little different, aswell as this time: He didn't show off sick runs or records, but instead created a wonderful piece of video, showing off the beauty of the game.
3rd - SiH - Since Now ~ Renewing Memories (Music Video)
A truly hypnotizing video. SiH decided to use Trackmania for making a Music Video for Since Now, someone who has been known in our Trackmania Community too! If you like his drum and bass vibes, you should definetly check his Soundcloud!
4th - Nerpson - Maniaplanet 3 Trailer
Nerpson used the opportunity to create a pretty cool Maniaplanet 3 trailer...in stunning 4K!
5th - Leoxx2100 - Rest in Peace ~ Forever and Ever
Leoxx2100 is well known in our community for his beautiful and cool coast-drift videos. This one seems to be his last one, sadly. My suggestion: Show him your love, one last time, for this beautiful video!
6th - Riolu - WR Runs on MX Classics
Riolu once again with a solid run video. Always entertaining on it's own level!
7th - Purification - Project Unnamed (Teaser)
Purification once again creating a piece of art inside Maniaplanet. This one is way too short unfortunately.
8th - Chucklr - 24h Dirt Infinity 4 Trailer
Chuck is known for his epic trailers. This one is not an exception!
9th - Andriv - Driving backwards was faster!
Back then, when driving backwards could bring you a better time, Andriv conserved that feature with a sweet little comparisation run video. Well executed.
10th - Eyebo - Requiem of Spirit by Nervouswillow
It has been a long time since Eyebo was on the TOP 10 list the last time. This video features an almost 5 minutes long track by Nervouswillow. It's 3 runs are accompanied by a custom camera. All this plus a really cool song make this feel like it's a journey to the finish! Really well video here! We hope for more!
More videos of these months!
CyrilTM - French on Top!
Knaky - TMM-TC14 Trailer ~ Dignitas vs. Acer
RickardRick - Trialmaster Map #2
Andriv - Perfect Trial 3 ~ Marius89 on WTC ~ NostromO
Edster - Singapore GP Highlights
Flexsor - TMM ~ One more round ~ WR by dignitas/Massa
Flexsor - TmT ~ Back to Zero
RickardRick - Trialmaster 2014 map#1
Stringers - The Most Wanted ~ Prologue
Xenosis - Louis "bAp" Pauwels ~ Between the Gods
killaprodtm - Amethyst Ascention by Snake55Wildcat
Andriv - Laurens drives MrDvD minis
Andriv - Pac drives MX classic maps
Detinu - 10 Island Runs by Speedy0407
Detinu - 150 subs! 1 year Detinu
Flexsor - ESL ~ Evilution WR by Tamarillo
Lars - Trialmasters 2014 Map #4 - WTC Firestorm
shen - Hello! ~ Copperscup!
shen - Some EpiKness!
Shortz - BX3 Horeni on Pride and Glory
StyX - Acer|Koenz at ESWC 2013
Chevi - dejavu's tracks
chevi - One Run #1
Edster - UF1R Moriccan GP Highlights
Edster - UF1R Swedish GP Highlights
fupz - Valley vs. Canyon
Nickrev - The Valley
Scareface - Dna Kws, the greek player
Shortz - Inlightement WR by Spunki
StyX - Tribute to Shortz
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