This article was written by a member of the community !
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Since this article is not from me, i don't want to take its credit, neither to have to have to deal with the reactions it might lead. Just to make things clear.
Furthermore, the true author of the article of today deserves to be quoted.Thanks for making a good coverage of this UL10, anyway.
It is good to see there are still people interested in TMU. :)
By the way, i'm not sure CMC vs TnT will be the only "big clash" of the league: although both have the top-level, they are not fully alone there...
But i can still make a news at each tournament begin, so that nobody misses it. :)
If i find time, i might write an ET-Actu column here to open interesting debates about our leagues and what players expect from us, but i don't want to promise anything at the moment. It will depend of course of my time table and the willingness to debate of the readers.
About this, it would be good to have different types of news here, such as current affairs, investigation, opinion/column, blog, and so on. Also help to sort what is a piece of journalism from the TM-Actu staff and what is a personal contribution of any player from the community.