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![[up²]L'opale arena est annoncée!](/img/../uploads/images/images/banners/opalearena5.jpg)
Le sondage est fini et "Les deux" est le gagnant. Maintenant, nous verrons la décision d'E2G pour l'Opale Arena s'ils suivront ce sondage.
Dans le but de satisfaire le plus grand nombre, nous créons un sondage pour savoir lequel de Stadium ou de Canyon vous souhaitez avoir à l'Opale Arena. Repondez au sondage ci après!
Après quelques teasings, c'est désormais officiel. La structure Event To Give a annoncé un nouveau tournoi sur TrackMania 2 : Canyon et sur ShootMania!
Ce tournoi dénommé "Opale Arena" aura lieu du 23 au 25 août 2013 dans le nord de la France, à Oye Plage. Les tournois seront administrés par Drakonia! La participation aux tournois est de 30€, majorée de 5€ sur place. 400€ de Cashprize et des lots pour les 24 slots de TrackMania et 700€ et des lots pour les 16 équipes ShootMania!
Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site de la compétition : http://opale.e2g.eu . Mania Actu et drakonia vous donnent rendez vous là bas!
En cas de questions, contactez le Staff E2G par mail sur : staff@e2g.eu
>> Outils d'article
Look, I can see the other point of view as well and I understand it, but I just don't think it's a successful receipt for an eSport. Meaning: a higher level of competition which is what I'm very passionate about personally.
If we keep just having all games present and equal, then I don't think we can grow much larger. And some people are fine with that, but for me I enjoy that higher level of competition more and I think Stadium is the best game for it.
You must be blind or really stupid(assuming your previous comments), how is advertising to vote for Stadium?
I enjoy following frost on twitch and I watch a lot of his streams and tournaments. He is the player who brought me into this game, and the player I most look up to. I respect his opinions, However, It slightly annoys me that he keeps on trying to force his opinion on other people, and also the small digs that he sometimes makes on facebook etc.., for example "Can you guess which game is the most popular? If only it was as prioritized by Nadeo as well" which I found hurtful for me being mainly a Canyon player, but also the fact that one of my favourite players didn't have any respect for either Nadeo, or the community.
Looks like stadium has overtaken Canyon, no doubt due to the post frost put on Facebook which would have surely attracted stadium players. Which is fine, but there was no need to play the " its an easy choice" card which you emphasized by writing "an easy choice for me" at the bottom. small things like that really get me down.
Well I don't see it that way obviously. I always respect other peoples' opinions and I'm always willing to take the discussion in a civil matter. That I would force(?) my opinion on others just sounds absurd to me.
And with your example I don't see how it was hurtful towards Canyon at all...? Also I think it's a valid argument against Nadeo as well. But maybe I'm missing something.
And had I written for example "this is an easy choice guys: Stadium or else!" then I could agree with you that it was wrong and forceful, but I didn't write anything like that. What I wrote was that it was an "easy choice for me personally" and I refereed to what I had written here as arguments as to why.
I'm not forcing my opinions on anyone. People make up their own minds and that's how it should be. I'll make sure to make that extra super-clear in the future whenever I express myself so there are no misunderstandings.
It's not really like me to get worked up about these things, I guess two different opinions will always create disagreement. especially when both cannot be backed up with facts but opinions instead, which creates arguments.
#26 That would be awesome. And very interesting to see. maybe in the future a competition with Stadium, Canyon, and Valley. Now that would be cool. :P
If I wanted just to remake the question I would sayn it TM2S is there will play it? If TM2C is there will you play it? E2G has organized the last event on ShootMania and TrackMania Canyon so there it is. One more event. Be there as a community, be there as friends.
I do not even understand why this vote base? is it so difficult to take 2 games? Cocow said " for fun" but being a player canyon I feel oblige to take a position to counter the stadium players who do not want Canyon
I agree with you, but by the way of this vote and by the way of ESWC, you can see that we aren't enough to think your point of view
Canyon and Stadium can't meet together on same event ?
I am disappointed, just vote both, For we meet TOGETHER and have fun TOGETHER as a Trackmania 2 and not Trackmania 2 Canyon or Stadium ?
You think it's possible or you prefer continue your stupid war ?!
pff.. What a community !
We are a community, a bit trolled when we are at home, but during events we are all here.
Frost can be rude sometimes on comments, but when he comes to event, this happen :
Peace, love and conversation! We love to hate eachother, but remain all deeply in love guys <3<3, we act like a couple :D Never agree on something.
Canyon : 26
I think it's both no ? :D
Selfish everywhere :d