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We now know some details about the tournaments that will take place during the Gamers Assembly 2k13, and we can say that this is huge!
- Trackmania² : Canyon : 50 slots (solo)
- Shootmania : Storm : 8 slots (team)
We have no informations about any Trackmania Nation tournament. The fact that there are no tournaments on it is quite surprising...Indeed, Canyon will be THE racing game on this GA, with the most impressive tournament since the creation of this game.
Like every year, the Gamers Assembly is THE french meeting for the gamers comunity. Last year was a great edition, as many players from all Europe were there for an amazing Trackmania Nation tournament, despite some weakness with dotations and rewards (like every year). Indeed, we saw some great games and an amazing ESWC like final, just one thing was missing : a great cash prize! But scandalmongers can say that some great goodies are better than a nebulous cash prize.
There are several reasons that make us impatient about how the admins and organizers will deal wih the Maniaplanet world. Indeed, it will be the first edition with Shootmania as an official released game. We all know that the Gamers Assembly and Maniaplanet are more than friends but beloved, with bad and good sides, with some "I love you, me neither" things.
Everyone remember all the heated debats on forums about more slots, more cash. But what we can remember from past GAs, is that the show around NADEO games was always there. No GA without a TM tournament. Several videos on Youtube can show you what i am talking about.
What surpises this year?
So, like every year, we will have to fight! For more slots, for more foreigner players, we will struggle! We will have to refrain our vileness to not dirttalk to admins (this point is up to you)
One thing is sure. A GA without Maniaplanet is not a good GA. It is impossible for us to imagine the one without the other. Isn't it during past GAs that we saw the very first TMUF tournament? The first Canyon trailer? The first Worldwide exclusive Shootmania tournament? And the 2k13 GA will be for sure the greatest Maniaplanet event with some new awesome content (valley?Stadium²?)
But some questions do not have any answers. Do the organizers will make an effort about cash prizes and propose something consonant with the (too)big registering price?
Our prognostics
Do not hide yourself and admit that every year is the same. The TM comunity is always disappointed, when registering opens. But this year, there is Shootmania. And this year, organizers can lear from the past GAs and shout out loud : "Yes, TM works and brings a hell of a show!"...In my opinion, i believe in it and have faith. I have faith, because faith is beautifull, and remains the only pure emotion in this cruel and pitiless world. A world where shadow vampires have won the war, and where the money is the only god, laying on its bloody throne, and staring at his gloomy and dusty chaos world!
And you, do you believe?
I invite you to make a prognostic, about how many slots, how many tournaments and which games will be there. For me, this will be a TM 12 slots (every games) and 16 slots for Shootmania. And you? Just wait few hours because registering opens tonight!
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Last but not least, i understand 100% yuor angryness, and i'm sure admins will do their best to please you and everyone. BUT PLZ PEACE AND SHARE!!!!!!