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As you may have noticed, the past month have been full of improvement for our (your?) website. Indeed, we kept on releasing new features. But this was just the beginning of our work. And Mania-Actu Beta 1 was just a part of our plan about what we wanted to do with this website.
Our goal has always been to get the best information about ManiaPlanet in an all-in-one place, but also build a place for you readers, where you would easily share all your information. And day after day we keep on follow this line we draw. We just past a step here with this big new release. This Beta 2 is huge and comes with many changes that we will try to explain here.
First off all, the basic visual of Homepage has changed, to bring more information but still remain readable. All the news and stream modules are bigger, to not let you miss a news or an event. But you can still now easily go to the database and check past articles by clicking on the bottom of every module.
The Top menu has changed too. The new one comes with many features that we will be developed in this news. But basically, it is here to bring the most complete tools, to go deeper in the information's sharing and to make this place THE site for every ManiaPlanet users and players.
We worked a lot on this one, first of all, to permit users to add themselves their streams. This was really important for us. We improved a lot on a more clear and useful Stream information module. You can now see a lot more information, in real time, just by watching the Mania-Actu Home page.
Basically, you can now create your show and your stream, that will appear on the Mania-Actu Home page. Let's see how does it work :
- Before the creation of a Stream program, you'll have to create the associated show. The show will be the name you decided to give for your live stream, it can be the name of your channel or the name of the show, could be Eclypsia.tv or IronJellyfish show. Up to you!
- After having given a name to your stream, you can create it! We will moderate it, in case of major issues, but only after this stream has been created.
- The future/current/past streams will appear. When you edit a Stream, it will be really important to full correctly all the fields, like correct dates and schedule, to give the right information to users.
- You have to choose between four different streams. This will just depend of the nature of your stream. It can be a whole competition stream, a only team vs. team, 1 vs.1 or an other stream.
- All these information will be put in an open source database. Every stream and shows will be associated to the competition they refer to, and the user that created it.
For example : One stream talks about the competition X with team Y vs. team Z. Then all these information will be linked each other, and you will be able to find easily all information. By clicking on the competition X, you will see all the teams, shows, streams that are linked to this tournament.
So what to remember about all of this. Just add your show and your stream by using the "My Content" feature. And then every Mania-Actu users will be able to get informed about your show.
With the new "Event" tab, you will be able to be informed in real time about all the events on the ManiaPlanet world. Every competitions will be showed, with real time brackets, participants and results.
The calendar is also here to not let users miss a great date!
With this referencing of tournaments, comes a more powerful news editor, for the ones who want to submit their news.As on the editor's tool bar has been added the possibility to put brackets, participants and group stages of every tournaments that are indexed in our website! So check this out, and do not be afraid of using it.
- Events : All current tournaments, all the past competitions archive and a calendar with all the future events.
- Media : Full data about all the live streams, VODs and movies we covered.
- Community : The new thing here is the MP book, we will try to list every website that talk about ManiaPlanet. It can be official or unofficial sites, about competition or creation. But this part of Mania-Actu can not be made without your help, so send us the link of your website to appear in this MP Book.
- My content : Here is YOUR really interesting part, as it will be there where you will be able to publish your events, by creating a news, a show or a stream. Check this out to see how it works!
- About : This is a more complete part that develop who we are, what is our purpose, our partners, and how to contact us.
Well, all these new features main goal is to permit user to share and have a more interactive experience with Mania-Actu. But our goal was to improve a lot all the database, and archives. A great reference about all incoming, current and past tournaments, streams, teams and events.
This is still a beta, and many things will come further. With the arrival of the new ManiaPlanet, we will improve our Team databases, Tournament and cups creations by users, and ladders on ManiaPlanet Games.
For now, users can not create and admin their competitions here. Only admins can, and only us can edit brackets and results. In a near future, you will be able to do it! So the idea is that, users will be able in only one place to : create, admin, cover and make advertisements for his competition.
We would like to thank you, because without the community, we would never exist. Thanks also to Jonthekiller, Sky and Fabien that permitted all these new release to exist!
>> News Tools
Si je puis me permettre, sa serait sympa de faire en sorte que les boutons "Login", "My Account" et "Logout" ne dépassent pas de la top-barre du site, sa me pertube :p
C'est maintenant possible ;)