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Team Dignitas have officially recruited 2 new players to their TrackMania Nations Forever team.
These players are Dennis 'Massa' Lotze who first got onboard as a trialist for STC9 from the now disbanded team Infused, and
Matias 'Lohke' Ekholm, an old member of Dignitas who recently returned to the scene after being absent for a while.
Statement from the captain
The captain of the team, Fredrik 'Bergie' Bergmann had this statement be released:
"After a very successful year where we strengthened our position as the best Trackmania Nations Forever team, we have decided to recruit two new players to our allstar lineup. The new recruits were on tryouts for us during the recently won STC9 and impressed me a lot with consistent and fast driving. With Trackmania 2: Stadium coming out in the first quarter of 2013 we want to make sure we maintain our great teamspirit and quality of the team, and I am positive Lohke and Massa will contribute in a good fashion. Welcome!"
here two old records by lohke: