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Hey guys,
After a great first edition on the ESWC maps, I'm glad to present a new GSU Cup with a 50€ cash prize. It will be the second one, and certainly not the last, because this cup is going to take place every 3 weeks.
It will be the same game mode as the first edition, that is to say: Cup mode, 1v1v1v1, with looser bracket.
The only difference is the number of maps, you will play on 3 maps, in order to be better with less train. Moreover, you will have 2 weeks of train, after the release of the maps.
There is no denying that we need the help of the community in order to create maps for these cups.
You will have 3 weeks until the next edition to send us your maps.
As we expect from you many good maps, even if your map is not chosen for the next event, we'll keep your track for other editions.
In order to guide you, the maps should follow some rules :
- Track Name : should begin by $fffGSU.Cup - "xxx"
- Length : between 50 - 60 seconds
- Difficulty : "league style"
- Checkpoints : Every 10-12 seconds
- Mood : sunrise/day/sunset
- Coppers : 4500
- Hexadecimal is not allowed !
- Use the default signs and include some gsu signs : link
- No MediaTracker and no pass protection
- The track must be new, not a rejected map from other competitions.
- Try to avoid blind passages/confusing ways/cuts/bugs and don't forget that the rule of the cars is "ON"
- Before sending your map(s), please verify to have add the podium block and the shadows are calculated to high.
Only 1 map will be selected/mappers and if your maps aren't selected for this edition we keep it for the nexts.
Of course you can make duo maps.
Send the maps at : gsucup@gmail.com before 22/12/12
Elystix & sho0ta will test your maps and give you some feedbacks
The map pack will be released the 23/12/12.
Due to the Christmas holidays, you will have 3 weeks of train for this edition. You will take part to the cup the Sunday 13rd January at 14H.
If you have any question, please, do not hesitate to send it on our Facebook.
We will give you more information on it so Stay Tuned !
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le temps qu'on organise ça ( et qu'on se cotise pour le cashprize :p )
Obviously the TA session is still open to everyone.
I also use this post to wish you an HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the GSU team.
Don’t drink when you have to drive, except on the Trackmania road.
Kampaï !