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Focus On
Here we are with first "Focus On". This Focus On is today about a TM2 Canyon player which is Laurens.
ManiActu : Hello Laurens could you please introduce yourself ?
Laurens : I'm Laurens Beerten, almost 17 years old, from Belgium. I'm still studying (science-math) and this means long days of school. I'm also a real racer, I did Karting at a high level the past years, I managed to be triple Belgium Champion and I went also to the World Championship, where I made it into the finals, At the moment I finished Karting because I want to go a step higher so I'm testing Formula BMW, my next test will be 21-22 august at the LausitzRing (Germany). From there my passion to race, I started TrackMania 3-4 years ago and I never stopped it and I won't stop it in the coming future.
ManiActu : We saw at the Zotac cup #22 that you beat FrostBeule at 1/4finals and also won this cup. What did you think of this cup ?
My first impression when this cup came up was already great, I know the competition would be very high at an online cup for winning money. This meant you must be fully-trained if you want to win this.
I hadn't time most of the weeks, sadly, but now, I finaly found the let's say "perfect week". I had time to train every evening, also I liked the maps of that week, which motivated me as well. The prelim rounds were easily done, I knew frostBeule would be THE guy to beat, I met him already in the 1/8 finals, I was very good trained and this was to see in the match, at the first match I had a gap of 6-0, this gave an extra boost, I finished the first map with 7-2. The next map was exciting in the begin but in the end I won with 7-4. I was very happy with this result and I know THE guy to beat was out now, I was quite sure I would win the cup of that week, which I did.
ManiActu : Will you take part of the Zotac Cup #23. If yes, how will you approach this cup ? What is your objective on this cup ?
I've seen the maps already, but because I'm a student, which means the exam period has started for me this week, I haven't much time to train. Though, I prepared to be driving it. My objective is always winning, I think for every driver who has a bit feeling for competive things is that the objective. But I would understand it if I won't win this week, 'cause of the low training. But after the exams, I'll sure drive Zotac intense again. So Instead of "gogo" #23, "gogo" #25!
ManiActu : What do you think of the developpement of TM2 Canyon is eSport ?
I think it will become bigger and bigger, that's also what I hope. If we look back in the past, We've got Alienware which was a quite big online competition and we've got A&G, which was a LAN in Ohio, USA. I both took part at these events and I've to say it was great. Also not to forget Zotac is a "big" competition in TrackMania², giving every week 100€ away isn't bad at all. So I hope the bigger teams will come to TrackMania² as well and I hope we'll go with big steps forward in eSport!
ManiActu : Are you interested in ShootMania? Explain us why you're interesting (or not) in this game?
No, not at all. I'm a 100% racer and to be honest I'm also not good at shooting games.
But I tested it already and for players who love shooting games, it's an awesome game! But not for me.
ManiActu : You're the first "Focus On" about a player in ManiActu, have you got some suggestions for the future of ManiActu ?
Well, Interviewing players is one thing. I think people like this because they'll get oppinions about well-known players. Further on, I should put info about every important cup or tournament, in english. TmActu seems to be a very good and attractfull site, so I should say, go on with ManiActu, like you did with TmActu.
ManiActu : Thanks for sharing your time with us and I give you the last word.
No Problem, thank you for the interview. Furtherly, I want to add that Amplified Gaming is crashed, so at the moment I don't have a team anymore, neither LAN support,.. So this is also an "indirect call" to the biggest TM teams to make the step to TrackMania², 'cause it's it worth!
Thanks again to Laurens for this first "Focus On". We hope you will find a good team & sponsor for your next competitions.
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