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"Dear readers,
It is with pleasure and pride that we introduce you to our new website which will welcome the main part of the current events of Trackmania and Shootmania : Mania-Actu! As we announced, we have big ambitions for our new "baby". More games, more contents, more coverages with a website turned to the World. A website which will have for objective to imply all our readers.
All features!
First thing which looks obvious for everybody, the new appearance of the website. More clear and dynamic, it allows us to show much more tools in the homepage. We hope that it will suit you all!
But the design is just a support to highlight all the features of the site. And there are many! A slidebox so that you miss nothing from the main articles and events, newsflash for an explosion of small crunchy gossiped informations, a part dedicated to our lives which gives a direct and intuitive access to our streaming and vod. And of course our mediabox to reach all our photos and videos immediately!
Add to it a completely English-speaking and French-speaking website and you will obtain Mania-Actu Beta!
... And many others to come
Yes, it is a Beta so bear with it. A lot of new features and correctives will come during summer to bring the final touch on Mania-Actu and make it the most complete possible.
Soon, you will be all able to propose your own articles to highlight your competitions, creations or your servers. We will also offer you the possibility of expressing yourself in a free place thanks to our blogs. These two tools will, more than ever, put forward the community aspect. It will be your job! Many other tools are also incoming to come but this is another story.
Before to close this comment, special thanks to Dvelup and Freak who developed this website and will continue to make it in the future!
Well, I let you and your discovering of Mania-Actu and i hope that you will like allvnew features like we do. Good reading and thanks to all for your loyalty! "
Julien 'Boubisis' Nioche
Head-admin of Mania-Actu
>> News Tools
This is the english comment part not French !
This will be legendary ;o
Well done in doing this!
Good luck lads!
very nice website ;)
Such a great thing, guys...
Hey, props to all of those that contributed in the creation of this new website!
Hello everyone. Looking good!
Looking good!
Looks promising =)
good work
ogog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally in full English :)
Keep up the good work!
Very nice!
I've already sent some mails for bugs, I know it's beta but I hope something will be done with my feedback! :)
Nice job, looks great :)