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Hey folks, since the beginning of Mania-Actu (Tm-Actu before), our main goal has always been to be IN the community. By in, we mean speak about the community, share its creations, and of course be part of this one. As a webzine, we always tried to speak about the ManiaPlanet world as a whole. What we are concerned about is what you are too! And our main goal was to introduce to our readers MP stuffs, thanks to our news. From the little 3D creation to the most exciting tournament, everything is important for us.
We tried to develop a tool that will permit this community to react more actively in and for our website, to talk about things that may be important for them. So now, we are proud to introduce a new feature in our website : The "My news" feature.
What's that :
You may be a cup organizer or an artist that chose ManiaPlanet to express yourself? You are a multigaming and have a really important press communiqué to share? You saw something that has been avoided by the whole community? This feature is for you, as you will have access to a text editor with all the features newsers already have for their news writings. To express yourself and allow to all the MP players to not miss a thing, this tool is already available for you! Just check above.
How does it work?
To begin with, it is a really simple tool that everybody can handle. You will just have to know how to write something that is understandable for human kind.
In some steps, how does it work :
- Create an account
- Click on "My News", in the top menu
- Click on "Create a news"
- Check the editor and begin to work
- Save your news
- Validate your news
- Wait that an Admin check and publish it
When you will save your news, you will be able to edit it as soon as you do not submit it to MA's Team. At that moment, you will not be able to change it. Admins will check it, and validate it if this news is relevant.
Some rules and advises to get published
- For god sake talk about ManiaPlanet things
- Avoid the first person "I" when you are writing
- Make good titles
- Lighten your text with good punctuation and paragraphs
- Avoid spelling mistakes
We hope that this tool will be used by readers and all the MP community. As we are sure that many things happen around. And unfortunately, we are not that much working here, so we can not cover every events. ManiaPlanet is big and will not stop growing so we hope everybody will be happy as we are!
>> News Tools
Excellente idée.
Nice !