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After six years of the first release, Nadeo announces at the Paris Games Week 2012 the update of the classic and most played TrackMania ever: Stadium!
A rebirth
The new Stadium keeps the same gameplay than TrackMania Nations Forever. All sensations are present: drifts, air control and co ... (landing bugs :D ?)
What is changing? At first, the game is very similar to TrackMania Nations Forever, but the most important is this integration in ManiaPlanet, so it has improved graphics engine from the other titles from ManiaPlanet and the power of the ManiaPlanet Tools.
eSports and Stadium is a great love story since 2006 with the first dedicated version for the ESWC. Since Stadium became essential in many LANs, it is the big events of eSports. Since some time, TrackMania in eSport is a breathless; the new stadium will give a big boost to the scene.
This Stadium benefits from new features of ManiaPlanet :
- Blocks, import of 3D objects, texture change.
- Build your own game mode by changing weapon reload time, armor points, speed, stamina, objectives and much more.
- Create videos and screenshots with a video editing tool to show other players what you like.
- Present your game in your own customized box by changing the art.
- Amateur: Take part in competition created ingame thanks to new tools allowing players to have brackets and notification sent to participants. Publication of results and rewards is also automated.
- Pro: Register in an official team from a city, and participate in the global ranking.

Release of TrackMania² Stadium (On track for early next year release)
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No other e-sport game is having bugs as rapid as in TrackMania Nations Forever, at least that can make such a big impact on the result. So it's quite safe to say the game wouldn't loose any popularity or interest in competition or e-sport context by removing the worst of it.
In my opinion, the less random outcome created by the game engine, the better suited for competition and high level performance.
Sure, the game might be slightly easier to master and loose some of the challenge by avoiding bugs, but It's not this fact that generates hard/exciting competition. This is generated by the players pushing the limits of the game. The more players that push, the harder it will feel to compete and the closer competition it will be.
I for one would feel more comfortable racing with the bugs removed, but I guess its all up to accepting the fact that they are here. The ramstein also plays an important role for avoiding noslides when crossing it, which should of course not be changed.
From what they said it will be a direct copy-paste, with identical blocks and gameplay and no additions. Since the engine is different PF tracks will be broken, though.
hey zooz sup?? xD
great news...maybe it gets a boost again for nations, and then i will return :>
and hopefully some good old players, too :)
why did you make me register just to troll here, it used to be so easy :(
The true question is "What is the reel objectif?"
A good game without bug, stay trackmania in biggest lan, update the graphick motor etc.. or just make money?
I'm fear but i hope.
Also fixing the bugs issue, will open a larger area of turn combination choices for builders. Most of the builders can't use certain combinations of turns because it's a very high chance that u get a bug there.
I didn't play too much TM2 Canyon, but as much as I did I didn't encounter any weird bugs, or edges that throw u off the map, which was pretty pleasant and means that Ubisoft and Nadeo made a nice job there.