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Announced the first time in 2009 as the first title of TrackMania², Valley, this is 3 years later he shows signs of life, and what a sign !
Different to Canyon
TrackMania² Valley eagerly awaited by the TrackMania community, announces a return to the fun of the first environments with his madness mixing of blocks from the old TrackMania environments.
This game promises to be a return to the origins spirit of TrackMania, a verdant ambiance with large forests / fields and the sporty car reminds us one the first environement : Rally.
The gameplay seems to require more precision and speed control to avoid uncontrolled skiddings, a style of play completely different from the frist title : Canyon.
TrackMania² Valley benefits from new features of Maniaplanet
- Blocks, import of 3D objects, texture change.
- Build your own game mode by changing objectives and much more.
- Create videos and screenshots with a video editing tool to show other players what you like.
- Present your game in your own customized box by changing the art.
- Amateur : Take part in competition created ingame thanks to new tools allowing players to have brackets and notification sent to participants. Publication of results and rewards is also automated.
- Pro : Register in an official team from a city, and participate in the global ranking.

Game Release : On track for early next year release
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OMG looks nice! I really hope to see some oldschoolers coming back from tmf with this title!! Thx again NADEO
Wah ! Very nice news ! 3 years and here it is coming :D
Can't wait 2013 !
Looks cool, hopefully it doesn't have any stupid drifting. The video is promising.
#1 Sure, they will be back on road !
It really look like rally, it was my favorite TMU enviro, perfect !
Saw it in person, it was really big news, glad I was there. Valley looks really interesting, albeit very different from the older trailers (which made a really good impression on me at the time). I liked how dense it was, it felt really full of eye-candy elements. Except I preferred the older car models but that's a matter of taste :P.
I loved the way the gameplay of Valley was being described years ago: building up speed, heavy cars, irrelevant wall hitting. It looks different now but I can only hope the original concept is still behind the curtain.
Anyway, ty Nadeo guys, I liked the long awaited announcement, as well as the nice step you took towards Stadium guys. Also seeing Hylis cannot play either SM or TM is funny.
valley ingame
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