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GSU GAMING organizes, on Sunday 28th of October, the "GSU CUP". It is a competition on Trackmania2 with 50€ of cash prize on the ESWC maps. A front taste of this major event which is taking place during the Paris Games Week.
The objective of this cup is to promote the eSport on Trackmania 2. GSU GAMING is happy to announce you the opening of registrations on the Facebook of the team. http://www.facebook.com/GSU.TM2
The competition will be in Cup mode 1v1v1v1, with 16 players and a Looser bracket. It will begin at 14H, and the Grand Final will be played at 21H.
The registration are made by invitation. Naturally the 6 ESWC World qualified players and the 8
ESWC France qualified players are invited. We will wait the answer from these 14 guys to see how many other invitation we will have to send, please send us a message on the Facebook : In-game login + Take part to the GSU Cup YES/NO. Please be fast to answer.
To express your wish to participate, you have to send us a message on the Facebook too, don't forget your login in it.
We really count on the Trackmania community to be present on this event, more tournaments with
more cash prize will be organized, depending on the success of this first edition.
The cup will be shoutcasted by Durty & Artakus in French on http://gsugaming.com/stream/live/
We welcome all those who want to support the event and the Trackmania community to join us on the stream.
Moreover, we are looking for a volunteer to stream the event in English on the GSU TV, in order to have a stream understandable by everyone. Do not hesitate to contact our Web-TV admin on Skype. Login: tromatise
Thank's to Mania Actu for this news !
And if you have any other question, please send it on the Facebook.
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<i> News </i> ^^'
Nice promotion of esports would be to not give defwins in TWL2, GSU ^^
Really nice yeah !
#3 I explained why in the post Pook, we are sorry for that.
Next season we will not have 2 teams, that is what kill us during the TWL2.
Anyway, it allow u to train the ESWC maps and take partof the cup next sunday !!
+1 for the halko team(s) :p
With "Trackmania Community" you mean the Pro Community ;) , but nice idea!
If you mean this " We really count on the Trackmania community to be present on this event, more tournaments with
more cash prize will be organized, depending on the success of this first edition." solestar, to be present at the event is not just participating, but contributing to the stream etc. :) The more viewers the better
Final at 21H, don't mess it !