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The final packmap for the ESWC.fr and ESWC.world are finally available for the qualified players ! A big thanks to the mappers for the maps sended, and thanks to the players for the great maps selection !
Trackmania Nations Forever :
- ESWC 2012 - Marl0w <3 | by tree-free
- ESWC 2012 - Midori | by Artishow_jea
- ESWC 2012 - Zangetsu | by jea
- ESWC 2012 - Zune | by znik_spam
- ESWC 2012 - Gamefire | by tonagt
Trackmania² Canyon :
- ESWC 2012 - fayA ! | by shoota
- ESWC 2012 - Karerahan | by Zengo
- ESWC 2012 - mouz | by onio
- ESWC 2012 - Lô | by cl_ment
- ESWC 2012 - One | Way by tonagt
Mania-Actu and Drakonia wish you good train ! Movies of maps presentation will be made just before the ESWC with the best replays from the qualified players !
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I think the admin made it pretty clear in the comments that the "Hexadecimal is Prohibited" not necessarily meant that blockmixing was not allowed, but that it was not to obviously show any glitches or bugged parts.
When blockmix is not glitchy, I see really no point in denying blockmix, as this can give much richer and fresher maps with new set of ideas. I think this is definitely an option we need, after the 131219 maps that already have been made in the normal editor. However, I understand people that want to follow the rules, but in this case the admin made clear "corrections" in the comments of the news about this.
Good luck to all participants and hope you will enjoy the maps!
Znik hate to tell this but on your map there is a glitch :) after the jump with a right corner (grass level) you go up in a 's' block the ground there is... oh wait there is no ground, you can fall true it :) Oh and you got a cp on it where you can see the flashing glitch too.. so imo this track isn't really properly blockmixed :) sorry znik/spam.. so imo why even say that it's prohibited when it's glitchy as hell if you still accept maps like this..
for the rest map has many more hexa shizzle... but they are not glitchy :)
Znik u just showed us that you don't even know your own map :O
The map is great YES, but as gili said, it has 2 glitchy part. I don't want to look like the mad guy because i don't have one map in the pack, but i think it's pretty much stupid that a map with that quantity of blockmix is in the pack.. As i said before, i really worked hard for not placing BM in my maps...
You remember the time when it was normal to build a Map without Blockmixing?
Pepperidge Farm Remembers!
It seems like the maps aren't good tested at all if there is already a cut on Clement his map -.-'
I spoke before my mind was cleared yes, because it was triggered by the strong resistance against blockmixing from a few players here. When we have the possibility of enriching the tracks, why hold back when (In my opinion) the flow and better driving lines for competition are so much more important!
About the two glitches that was visible on our maps, we just forgot to fix the one on the ground. otherwise non of those blockmixes are flashing or of easy notice when you follow the cars in a race, which is why I think the admins have picked it anyways (since they made clear it shouldn't be visible for noob public during race)
Either way, I understand your arguments very much, but for me there is no question about choosing non-bm above the unlimited ideas that comes with blockmix, especially for competition maps.
Laurens, if there still a cut in my map, it's cause we told me to not change completely the finish, to be like the first version. But i can't it doesn't work, so i'll change the last 5sec to another thing !
Completely agree with znik. Block-mixing enrich the game if done well, and what's to dislike about that.
And please keep it in English in the comment-field so everyone can partake in the debate.
Well, i have nothing else to say. Rules are rules, that's all, if u can't respect that, too bad for you.
Ok clement, I understand. But the map is good, don't understand me wrong. If it couldn't be solved, np! Hopefully people won't cut then..
znik and frostBeule : That's not the point here. They made a rule saying block mixing wasn't allowed. I didn't check the maps at all but logically any map with even one block mix should be rejected.
Indeed block mixing has shown good things in the past, but let's stay objective here, it was clearly stated in the rules, I really don't get why the mappers that made an effort to not use block mixing should be penalized for it.
Since previous seasons of ESWC have accepted hexadecimal, I found it quite strange they suddenly wrote this rule. (I think mostly because ShootMania is present, they have written this) That is why I asked about it in the comments, and here we clearly saw "corrections" made to the rule by the admin. As I understood it, hexadecimal was allowed just not in flashing or disturbing view for the spectators. This has nothing to do with me not respecting the rules. I simply want to make the best possible maps for the competitors.
This discussion could probably go on forever, because the rule was bent in the comments and feelings are involved. I will leave the discussion with this, and hope for next year the admins can be more specific about the rules, hopefully with hexadecimal accepted, just not in a flashing way.
znik. They set a rule. They might modified it a little, but you still no respect it. That's the problem..
Cl_ment's MA picture : like the king of the geeks!