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Team HOT presents Carmageddon 2012 - a 2v2 cup played on Mini Tech & Speedtech maps.
Cup information & rules
Match dates & times
Group play (server in swe)
Match 1: 20/10 19.00 CET
Match 2: 20/10 20.00 CET (changed cuz stc/nc)
Match 3: 20/10 21.00 CET (changed cuz stc/nc)
if 20 teams - Match 4: 22:00 CET
Semi and Finals (server in swe)
Semi Finals 1: 27/10 20.00 CET
Semi Finals 2: 27/10 21.00 CET
Finals: 28/10 21.00 CET (might change due to stc/nc)
Map release dates
- Map releases for groupplay: 13 oct
- Map release for semi and finals: 21 oct
Map & map style
Stadium mode
- Mini size Tech and Speedtech ~25-35sec
- Winner: 30.000 coppers, runner-up 10.000 coppers
- Before start playing this cup. You have to take it seriously, not quitting after half time.
- Number of teams: 16 teams (32 players)
- Team Mode (Rounds) 7 points limit - 2 vs 2
- If a team is 15 minutes late to a match – the other team wins.
- Respawn is NOT allowed
- A player can only race for one team
To register your team, go to this exceptional facebook page. But be quick about it since not many spots are available.
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