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$215,000 of prizes will be offered to the ESWC champions in 2012, spread over the different tournaments. This exceptional prize will consist of more than $170,000 in cash, and $40,000 in endowment products offered by Plantronics Gamecom.
Shootmania Storm : 20,000$
#1 : 10,000$, #2 : 6,000$, #3 : 4,000$
Trackmania Nations : 10,000$
#1 : 5,000$, #2 : 3,000$, #3 : 2,000$
Trackmania 2 Canyon: 10,000$
#1 : 5,000$, #2 : 3,000$, #3 : 2,000$
Starcraft 2 : 40,000$
#1 : 20,000$, #2 : 12,000$, #3 : 8,000$
Dota2 : 25,000$
#1 : 12,000$, #2 : 8,000$, #3 : 5,000$
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 : 20,000$
#1 : 5,000$, #2 : 3,000$, #3-4 : 2,000$, #5-8 : 1,000$, #9-16 : 500$
FIFA 13 : 10,000$
#1 : 5,000$, #2 : 3,000$, #3 : 2,000$
Counter-Srike : Global Offensive : 20,000$
#1 : 10,000$, #2 : 6,000$, #3 : 4,000$
CS:GO Women : 10,000$
#1 : 5,000$, #2 : 3,000$, #3 : 2,000$
ESWC France : 6,500$
Spread over the different French tournaments to support the champions fees during the ESWC Finals.
On the occasion of this announcement, the company Oxent, ESWC new owner since June 2012, wishes to confirm that all 2011 prizes have been paid. Oxent is also proud to announce that the non-paid prizes of 2008 following the bankruptcy of Games-Services, will be paid to their benificiaries under budget for the year 2013. A formal announcement about this exceptional decision will be made at the opening ceremony of the upcoming edition.
In 2013, as FrostBeule will be paid for 2008, we can maybe have him for the next World Cup ? That is the question. ;)
I'm glad for you Frost, and I think it's time to say WP in 2008, you deserved it!
Happy Nolifing for 2012 anyway, cya in Paris guys ;)
gg frost xD and yeah go nolife other!! OMG 5.000 for the tm² winner oO that's just amazing
im not popping the champagne yet. right now it's just empty words that doesn't mean much to me. but of course im hoping for the best, so i can finally move on.
Even though this is probably the most hopeful news regarding the 2008 pricemoney, it is far from definitive. Saying this can either mean 2 things.
1. ESWC will plan out their next event and in the end make up the balance and see that they can spare some euros for the unpaid prices.
2. ESWC will actively try and get more money from their partners for the 2013 edition for the sole purpose to reserve it for the unpaid prices.
However most partners would like to know WHERE their money will go to and I don't think any partners would like to see it go to unpaid dues from 2008.
Even though I am hoping the best to happen and everyone will get what they deserve. Atleast this is the most hopeful thing regarding this so far.
Wow, 2008 unpaid prizes should be more than 100k $ probably, I don't think Oxent is that rich to pay all of this in one year. I dunno what kind of event it will be in 2013 but maybe there will be very small prizes for future winners or they are hoping on better advertisment to pay them. I wouldn't be surprised to see them postponing year after year what they promised.
Anyway frost you should ask them interest. 15,000$ for 5years it can be very interesting compensation :P
I think that Oxent found the place to organise ESWC each years: Paris Games Week.
I think that the edition in Los Angeles has cost much more than expected and the Paris Games Week seems to be the cheapest place. Imo that's why they are now able to pay ESWC 2008 champions.
or maybe it is because FB is far from bein alone in his fight, and the credibility of this event had to be rebuilt...At the begining, to be honest, i thaught you were ridiculous FB, but this was your fight, and now, i can feel that you may have been right. The fact that you have been unbending on your fight ( and quite alone ) is most than respectable.
Anyway, this event is a good news for all of us, so yes, fb, time to open champagne...
And i can tell you that frogs leggs are a really good dish to go with it ;)