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Today the TrackMania community receives very unfortunate news that its member Nicklas 'Fuskern' Høisveen has tragically passed away in a car accident.
Fuskern was a strong backbone in the Norwegian TrackMania community, having been one of the founders of the ArcticNova team that would later become BX3, aswell as being involved in the Dirt community of TMNF.
His friend and team-mate znik wanted to say a few words about Fuskern in this difficult time:
As the news got to me today around 16:00 from BmL and Olas in our Team Norway skype group, we are all in great sadness and grief of Nicklas 'Fuskern' Høisveen's death today in a car accident.
It was in summer 2010 that I really got to know Fuskern and we decided to start a new project in ArcticNova eSport. His passion and interest for the team was really inspiring and Fuskern had a great sense of humour and connection with our players, which was a great source to how our team spirit was and still is.
Earlier this year he went inactive because his brother had troubles with cancer, but luckily this ended well. He also got a promotion at his work which consumed more of his time and at this time we decided to announce his retirement from our team: http://tinnet.net/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=24&id=1352&Itemid=83
As the great guy he was, it doesn't feel right that he is taken from us already, at the age of 20. But this is how life sadly may end, and on behalf of Team Norway and myself, we give all our condolences to family, friends and colleagues of Nicklas, in this hard time.
Rest in peace Nicklas 'Fuskern' Høisveen.
The staff of Mania-Actu have him and his family in our thoughts on this day of mourning.
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Damn ... nice dude nice player, friendly and cool guy
R.I.P man :(
All tm players can say their last words @ our TmT page + change your nickname: more info on the website newspost
rip Fuskern
RIP, you will always be remembered.
Terrible news...
I had the opportunity to talk with him a couple times, he was always friendly and funny.
Good luck to his friends and family. RIP Fuskern.
RIP Captain Norway
omg.. can't believe it :( RIP Fuskern !
This is very sad :(
Rest in peace and condolences to friends and family
Notrub wanted to make a simple memory video for Fuskern, so if you want to show your support you can send replays from these four maps made by Fuskern;
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=trackshow&id=2192128 # auto
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=trackshow&id=3462796 # auto
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=trackshow&id=1899712 # auto
http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=trackshow&id=2782008 # auto
Replays can be sent to riise95@hotmail.com or by adding Wethal-gutten on skype! Feel free to leave a short sentence about Fuskern, so we can throw in some player quotes between the maps.
The deadline for submission of replay / quote is set to 30. September
Also include your nickname and country as we want to use the national car.
Sry his skype is wetha-gutten
my teamate !!! O.O !!!
R.I.P Fuskern :(
Sad news, rip...
R i p !
Great guy, always friendly, always in for a laugh. Too bad that ppl like this get taken away from us at such a young age...
May you rest in peace Fusk!
Oh man, didn't see it until now.. very sad. He had a very positive personality, liked to talk with him.
..) r.i.p.