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ESWC Benelux has announced their qualifiers! The offline qualifiers will be held on October the 14th in the KaosTV studios.
Benelux-players will be able to qualify on the following titles:
- ShootMania Storm (Nadeo Ubisoft, 3vs3)
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Valve Software, 5vs5)
Eventrough the Netherlands is part of the Benelux, some titles are only available for players from the Netherlands:
- Starcraft 2 (Activision Blizzard, 1vs1)
- TrackMania Nations (Nadeo, 1vs3)
- FIFA 13 (EA Sports, 1vs1)
All titles will have an online qualifier, after which the best teams will be asked to play in the offline qualifier. For the first time, the organisation has decided to ask enrolment fees. These fees will be directly invested into the ESWC Benelux offline qualifier.
ShootMania Storm
The enrolment fee for the ShootMania Storm qualifiers will be €30,00 (which comes to a €10,00 per player). Elite (3vs3) will be the mode to be played. The admin for this qualifier has not been announced yet. The winner will get a ticket for the ESWC Grand Final and the hotel and traveling costs will be paid by the organisation.
TrackMania Nations
The enrolment fee for the TrackMania Nations qualifiers will be €10,00. It has been announced that the admin for this qualifier will be Ivan "Moldo" Bijkerk. The winner will get a ticket for the ESWC Grand Final and the hotel and traveling costs will be paid by the organisation.
Participants can register themselves from September the 15th (Saturday, around 20:00) till September the 23rd (Sunday, 00:00). Registering can be done here: http://www.myeswc.nl/signup
The online qualifiers will be held from September the 24 (Monday) till October the 10th (Wednesday). It has not been announced yet when the different qualifiers will be held.
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and tm²? :O
Apparently they decided not to include TrackMania 2 into the Benelux qualifiers. This might have to do with the fact that TrackMania 2 isn't really "big" in the Benelux. Tho I can only speculate about the reason ...
Poor Laurens and Smurf guys... :(
Ignorant ESWC admins... WHat's the point in excluding Belgium from the TM qualifier...? :/
This is a damned shame! I'm not a Belgian anymore!
There should be 1 slot for the benelux at least for TM², is there a chance this still changes?
Some people also said there will be an internation Quali for TM²..??
We try to have some information in our side.
I could cry... -.-