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Hey folks, the most amazing event of the year is about to start, as we just saw on their official Website that ESWC just announced how the french qualifications will progress for their 2012 edition on Trackmania² : Canyon. we have no informations concerning the other countries qualifications but we know that this international tournament will have 8 slots (1 for France), and will take place during the Paris Games Week from 31 October to Sunday 4.
The french ESWC qualifications for finals will be on 31, and 1rst November. 8 french players will fight to get their slot for the international finals. 2 Online tounaments will be organised to qualify the 8 french players of this competition.
Qualification tournaments :
- 4 slots on the tournament organised by Drakonia.
4 slots on the tournament organised by Mania-Actu.
The Mapppack :
A MapPack made b the comunity will be used. You can send your maps to trackmania@drakonia.eu before the 8 of September 9pm CEST. You must follow these rules :
- 55 to 70 secondes
- Map Tech
- Hexa forbidden
- The name of the map shall begin with ESWC2012-
- Day mood, dusk if you make tunnels with blind effect
The mappack will be released sunday 9 September.
More informations about the rules and dates of these qualfications will be done soon.
>> News Tools
Niice !!!!
Niiice gogogo !!
Cool :D
Just a little question , their is some prize ?
ESWC will announce prizes soon, but we don't know when.
Ok thanks :)
What's too bad is that we don't know how qualifications of other countries will take place, and I guess the 2nd and the 3rd of ESWC FR (who won't participate to ESWC World), will be stronger than some of qualifiers of other countries.
But the problem is the same for each game ^^ so just GO !
only 1 slot for france Oo gl guys
Germany gets 3 slots then ? :D
Just 1 slot for french :'( so hard for qualif
Some info about the other coutries?
No, sorry :(
1 slot for France, that's cool!
So that will probably say that Belgium also gets a slot?! Pleas?! ;D
Btw. will the French guys have the same Mappack for their National Final and the Grand Final, or will they have double of work with more maps to train? Either way, it will be unfair for them or the other international guys... (I mean because the french's would get used to the maps in tournament some days before grand final)