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Time to decide who will win the prestigious Giant Cup title this year! Last time mythiX.ArtiShöw won, will he be able to defend his title? To see which 32 players qualified for the grand final, click here and here.
Time Attack seeding starts Saturday 14:00CEST.
How to watch?
Follow the event by joining the maniacup page to access relays for the time attack seedings and all the matches, or follow it via stream from Dignitas/r2k.
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1v1v1v1 final will be awesome, as always! I miss this format in tm² :( ... TGC final with 16 ppl on the serv is just shit.
+1 and that with cars on ><
oha? rly? :O
okay, i won't drive the final of TGC, didn't read this fact...
Let's make a pedition that they change the grand final system... wtf, 16 guys at the same time... then the win is not as nice as in a real playoff tournament...
Mais go Arti, même si tu vas pas le faire tu le sais ;) T'es rongé vieille branche!
(TMTC comme dirait les kikoos :D)
GL to the 32 players, 'hope it will be a tough fight!
Cars on is more fun. Ofc you won't see all 16 cars on, just 3-5 closest ones. GL to all in GC10tmn and other GCs, I won't be able to view them but hopefully someone will capture them to Youtube or somewhere :)
i agree with the petition! a seeded
16 players tree with 4 pools of 4 players fighting on single elimination 1v1v1v1 is more than doable
lets haras tcq!!
if i'm honest, i don't like that only 16 get to grand final. in tmnf gc there are 160 guys and 32 for grand final. in tm2 there are 230 guys in gc and there are just 16 players for grand final... :/
but okay, it would be okay if there would be at last the 1on1on1on1 system
Well, in fact only 4 in TMN goes to the "grand final", 32 goes to the final playoffs tree, whilst 64 does in TM2