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Hey folks! 211 players registered to this first edition of the Trackmania² : Canyon Giant Cup, and will fight the whole summer, with great finals on September. Round 01 was a general fight between the best players of this game. It worked so well that ET admins decided to increase available slots for the next tournaments.
Message from tcq :
"Interested in this competition? You want to get a whiff of intense action? Then you are welcome to the TGC1. Due to the big amount of willing players and the success of the first tournament round, we decided to increase the amount of slots per tournament to now 136 slots.
Independent of, if you are a competition driver and aiming for the semi-final or just a one-hit wonder that wants to taste the smell of burning tires, give it a try and tell your friends :)"
First round standing :
- Gaetan
- Onio
- Majo
- Devail
- Norman
- Zypher
- Alexor
- Nerzull
- Gosaft
- Passi
Round 02 Video :
And now, the more interesting part. With this video, you will have no excuses to not drive like bosses and be in the top 30 best times :
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Sympas ces petites vidéos, ca nous montre les trajs :D !
1er powaaaaaa !
OMG ils sont pas humain ceux qui conduisait ces voitures ö
7e :) Sinon +1 pour Gaet