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Dear readers! Hylis just posted on the official Maniaplanet forum that Maniaplanet 2.0 finally arrived! Every Trackmania² user will soon have an ingame update. With this new version, many features will be available. But the real interesting thing is that, this new MP will bring some blocks for the Canyon environment.
Hylis message:
"Hi TrackMania 2 Canyon players, we have finally reached the day where we can update the game with the Maniaplanet 2.0 system.
It is still in beta, but it has to go live in order to finish all the tests. This is why we have made a Maniaplanet 1.0 setup if you need to have access to the previous version.
Most noticeable things about this Maniaplanet 1.0 version (I will update the list if needed)
-It works with older servers, but not the new ones, so we do not expect many people on it online
-It will expire when the Maniaplanet 2.0 version will be correctly running and features up again, such as LAN play for example.
You can download the Maniaplanet 1 version here if you have trouble with Maniaplanet 2
http://files.maniaplanet.com/setups/Man ... nSetup.exe
The Maniaplanet 2 version is going to be automatically updated when you launch your game. We have various addition to the updater in order to make it more solid, but please report here any trouble link to it.
Some new blocs, some good stuff being now possible, like mode creation from the community and probably more players in it later thanks to the nice exposure of Maniaplanet with ShootMania Storm.
Maniaplanet 2 is a big step for us, Valley will be the next big step for TrackMania 2.
See you online
We made a short video where all new blocs are mixed together. Enjoy my crazy professionnal driving on this work :
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Mais nice caaaa !
wr ?