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In a few days, the tenth season of Major League Esl will begin, and it promises to be the most relieved of the year. Only eight teams, but probably the best 8 at present in the world!
EMS / CAP System :
Number of Team : 8
Match Number : 7
Top 4 is going to PlayOff with this tree : Top 1 vs Top 4 and Top 2 vs Top 3 then grand and small final
Playday |
1: 13th May 20.00 | |||
2: 20th May 20.00 | |||
3: 27th May 20.00 | |||
4: 3rd June 20.00 | |||
5: 10th June 20.00 | |||
6: 17th June 18.00 | |||
7: 24th June 18.00 |
Map release dates
1st Pack : 3rd May
2nd Pack : 27th May
3rd Pack : 17th June
Match system
1v1 = 1 point on map A
2v2 = 1 point on map A
3v3 = 2 points on map B
5v5 = 2 points on map C
The system remains the same as last season.
EMS IX Rating
mythiX eSports
Team Dignitas
Team Acer
Source : ESL.EU
Les favoris :

Be carefull, Dignitas are back! Although absent in the TMM, the last winners of the STC will aim to win the tournament! And the least we can say is that with the team aligned to the EMS X, logically they should finish in the top four this season and reach the final stages!
Latest results: 2nd EMS IX, 1st STC 8
Latest results: 2nd EMS IX, 1st STC 8

The French team, defending champion is also among the favorites, the French army and a few foreigners raw should allow themselves at the top of the regular season!
Latest results: 1st EMS IX, 8 STC 8th, 16th TMM
Latest results: 1st EMS IX, 8 STC 8th, 16th TMM

You could not forget Acer in the favorites list, even if the results are not as good as last season, where they were chained three competitions in a row, Acer remains the standard high level, very supportive and motivated, they would deal only with the win for sure!
Latest results: 3rd EMS IX, 2nd STC 8, 8th TMM
Latest results: 3rd EMS IX, 2nd STC 8, 8th TMM

Les outsider :

Winning team as an outsider, recent winners of TMM showed they were among the best teams of the moment! Almost the German team present here, could go tickle the favorites!
Latest results: 4th EMS IX, 1st TMM

Another ranked team as an outsider, BX3, necessarily, the collective team should present in this thrilling good numbers of training, but they have shown in TMM they struggled to enter competitions, perhaps it somewhat smaller size allows them to achieve their goals...

Recent winners of the CAP, last step before EMS, the Germans will be an really good outsider in this competition, watching their team that can really turn any training when it is prepared!
Latest results: 1st CAP, 4th STC 8, TMM 16th

Latest results: 2nd Q # 3 EMS, EMS 4th Q # 2

Latest results: 1st EMSQ # 3, 8th TMM, 16th STC 8

TmActu : What do you feel about this EMS system? Do you think he's better than the last one?
Acer|JWH : I think it's a great improvement. Previous season showed that the groupstages were relatively uninteresting with a few teams dominating their groups with ease. I can speak from our own experience that it was hard to motivate the team for the matches we had in the groupstages.
Acer|JWH :With the changes made, every match counts and the favourites will have to face each other in the groupstages - which will give amazing matchups from the early start!
TmActu : What do you expect of this season?
Acer|JWH : I expect it to be a huge challenge. It seems that there are more top teams in Trackmania now than ever. In 2012 so far we've had 2 completely different top3's in 2 consecutive cups. This shows how open things are currently and how it can go either way.
TmActu : Thanks for give me your time, if you want to say something else for end...
Acer|JWH : I am looking forward to an intense and amazing season which should show only amazing matches. This will definitely help putting Trackmania Nations back on the map by showing how exciting this game can be! GLHF

marsh : "For EMS: this season will be the most difficult ever, with so many strong teams. So it already would be a good result to just place on the upper part of the table, as we dont want to overrate the TMM victory.
TmActu : what do you think about new system with only one group? Better than last year or no?
marsh : Definitely better. Last season was kind of a farce tbh. The qualifiers just failed, and the groupstage was bad aswell (refering to our awesome group with a faketeam). So i really like the new system, it will provide a lot of awesome matches, and create a very thrilling season
TmActu : Now you're one of the top favorite for the EMS, a second win in a row for you??
marsh : Ah i dont think so :P. Sure we did a nice performance in TMM, but in my opinion TOP3 is still to be determined between Acer, Dignitas and Mythix. When they are trained, it´s really hard to beat them. Maybe we can take one of them down, but i dont see us winning EMS.

Bergie : "Our goal this season is to do even better than last time, which means we are aiming for the win. We are very motivated to finally win an EMS season and I am confident we are strong enough to do it. Im happy ESL chose to go back to the old system, because now it's easier for every team to motivate themselves to give 100% in each match."

TmActu : First of all, gratz for your last sunday performance ! What do you expect of this season?
YDK|Taart : Well we want to try to do our best but it will be hard though because all teams in the ems are rly strong so we want to win at least some matches and try to stay in the ems (even if i m not sure right now if there will be a play down/relegation or again 3 quali cups for next season but the goal is to do the best we can and stay in the ems :p
TmActu : What do you feel about this EMS system? Do you think he's better than the last one?
YDK|Taart : Ye it certainly is! there is no group luck anymore and i rly like a big division like in the other divisions on the CAP every team vs each other :)
TmActu : What's your bet about the winner? :p
YDK|Taart : Dignitas
TmActu : Thank you very much, if you have something to say to end...
YDK|Taart : Well thanks for the interview and i hope for a great season with many spectators and great matches! :)

znik : "So we are qualified and ready for yet another EMS season. What I look forward to this time is the change in groupstage which now consist of 8 teams instead of last seasons 4 teams per group. It will be guaranteed more matches for everyone and alot more fun to fight against all EMS participants. About our team, BX3's lineup is motivated for this season and with our new players I hope we can show the best performance possible. There is no doubt what teams is favoured, and one could go for the thought "Why participate? lets go CAP..", but as we all know surprising result can and will probably happen. So to all the underdog teams this season; Fight, train and stay motivated because the chance is always there, and if you loose so what? The train and match experience will gain you better performance, slowly but surely. With our participation we also intend to support EMS with our Premium subscription for future seasons, because this is nothing more than brilliant for our online competition scene. Good luck to everyone!"

TmActu : Ok, so hello Krijn ! You are the last EMS winner, are you able to win a second EMS season in a row?
Krijn : Hey there, it's been a while since last ems, and some changes have occured in our lineup, as in the lineups of some other teams. To be very honest, it's pretty hard to say where we stand at the moment. Some of our players are not able to play in the ems group stage due to exams at school. We have recruited some talented players. This ems will be a test for them and an opportunity to develop themselves. Of course it will be hard to beat teams like Acer and Dignitas, because of their experience in matches, but it's still our ambition to be first again.
TmActu : this new groupstage with 8 teams is a better way for EMS or not in your opinion?
Krijn : I think the reduction to 8 teams is good for ems for sure! In ems9, there were too many empty slots, and I think this time will be more exciting.
TmActu : okok so i let you finish by what you want...
Krijn : At first I want to say, that I'm happy that there will be another EMS in Trackmania Nations. It's very important that there will be tournaments like this in the future to keep the game alive in the eSport-scene. The release of TM2 and the Freezone system have put our game in a big decrescendo. It will be important to see if there will be another ESWC.TM. To the guys of ET Leagues: We really need a new STC/NC season!!
Anyway, for this EMS i hope we can show what we are capable of once again, and I wish all teams good luck and a lot of fun.

TmActu : What do you feel about this EMS system?
Nielos : Personally, I think this system is more fair, than the system EMS used before. It has always been a kind of luck, in wich poule you got, and who you opponents were. Now that we face every team, and have like 1 '''poule'', it seems more fair to me.
TmActu : What do you expect of this season?
Nielos : That is really hard to tell. Since I became the captain of the Team Infused TM squad, I am seeing a progressive line in our performances. We are getting better and better, and people around us see that aswell. Ofcourse we are going for the first place, like every other team. But when I am more realistic, I think a top4 place would be a big achievement. But like I said, we are giving it all, and we are super motivated!
TmActu : Thanks for your time, if you want to say something for end...
Nielos : Yes, I want to thank you, TM-actu and the whole community for bringing news to the players, and I hope it will grow even bigger. I'm also hoping this won't be the last EMS, because people have to see the potential in Trackmania, and it shouldn't get lost. at last I want to thank my team, Team Infused, for giving us the oportunity to enter these awesome competitions every time. Gogo!

TmActu :So,it will be the first EMS season for your team,what's the main goal?
Joey : To be honest, we mainly want to have fun, take the challenge, collect experience and give our best in every match. But we didnt set ourselves a place in the rankings that we want to reach or so, because we dont see ourselves among the strongest teams this season. so we will just take what we can get
TmActu : You got a "young" LineUp, do you think this will be an advantage, a fresh team... ?
Joey : On one hand you could argue of course, that a team which is new in the EMS, never played such a tournament before and got players who arent that much "old school", is extra motivated for such a competition as the EMS and therefore got a "motivation advantage" over the other teams. On the other side i think that all teams that play the EMS are very motivated, and that we therefore dont have a real advantage over the others. at least not a big one. But ye, maybe the fact that we dont enter the season with some crazy targets like "reaching playoffs" or so, and therefore dont put too much pressure on ourselves, could maybe help us to control our nevers a bit better. But again, the "old schoolers" are way more experience, and so they wont have trouble with nerves or so i guess. therefore i dont really see an advantage for our team
TmActu : Thank you for this moment you give to tmactu if you want say something to end...
Joey : Merci pour le petit interview and good luck and lots of fun to all teams that play the next EMS and CAP season!
! TmActu wish you have fun and good luck !
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