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04 |

Question: Is there a shaft?
Hylis: We coded a shaft as many other weapons to test it out but, I do not think it will be selected at the release. For now, we avoid all “cheat” weapons. Perhaps in undergrounds, or on specials blocks of the map. We start slowly because it is easier to add weapons than deleting weapons when the game is available. There are so many things to do with Shootmania, so we are going to wait and see how the players react to the types of maps, mods etc … and then we will see if we need to add new stuff or not. It is possible to have new weapons if we feel the need.
How to valid a map on SM? Do we need to put it on an online server?
So there are no bots, they won’t be smart enough to valid it. We do our map, test it by walking around to see if the paths are alright, there is a plugin system for the map to see if all the fundamentals are respected (for example: the polls of colors, the spawns) and after that you will be able to put it online.
How many ShootMania mods will be available? Are you going to add more?
So we created a lot of mods, like the weapons, but for now there are aprox 10 different mods, but that doesn’t mean all we be selected for the release, but everything is there in such a manner that the players can easily create their own.
Are you going to advertise it or invest a lot of money for the lans, competitions?
It is still in discussion, but we are willing to do so, it is just a timing question, during the beta, or at the release… We have Nadeo Live for this and there will be more adds compare to Canyon for sure.
Is there going to have nades, smoke nades ?
So we coded grenades, but we aren’t sure yet, because they can really be a “cheat” weapons very soon. For the smoke grenades, on a popular map it could be interesting but on maps that aren’t it is useless.
Where will be the Beta key? (Games, Lans…?)
We don’t know yet, I don’t think it will be by wining stupid games. One thing for sure, there will be an intern Alpha for the company, perhaps a open beta for preorders. There will be no games because we don’t want only Trackmania players; we want the others to start at the same time. We will see a bit later how we are going to proceed.
How will the gameplay?
If we compare it to Quake, in our replays we can see that on Quake it is more frenetic, with Shootmania, it will be more smooth, but this will depend on the maps as well as the mods, because if we make a small map with 16 players and a bigger map with 16 players, it won’t be the same.
The ammo will be unlimited or limited?
They are unlimited but you can’t stock the ammos, like the railgun reload in 3 seconds and you can only shoot one bullet at the time. But it will be adjustable in the game mod options.
For TM we have one gameplay per environments, will it be the same for SM?
For TM we don’t change the gameplay but the properties of the gameplay, the fundamentals are the same. For SM, it is likely that we are going to change the movement speed, jumps… but we will wait and see.

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