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A two news in one today just comes ! Indeed, the trackmania eNigma team left the organisation, after just over two months in colaboration with the British multigaming, their new name : Team BX3 ! At the same time, the NoG team , who are known in TM2, including winning the TWL0: PlayOffs tree, also joins Team BX3 giving a dimension to the team on the TrackMania world!
The team captain of our new team, Peter "znik" Skarstein wrote down some of their plans for the team. Read below.
"This project with BX3 started already before christmas, but it was after our last ESL Major Series match with Team eNigma that we decided to create something new. The first idea was to move our current TrackMania Nations FOrever (TMNF) over to TrackMania 2 (TM2) in hope for better chances and new adventures. With this idea in our minds, we contacted a well established TM2 team called NoG. This team consisted of great players and had already won the first big league from Electronic Tournaments called TrackMania World League 0. We decided to fuse, and in addition to the NoG team some of our former TMNF players will join the new adventures in TM2. However, we will still be competing in TMNF with the majority of the players from former Team eNigma. We have great hopes for this project consisting of TM2 players and TMNF players categorized as one, Team BX3 TrackMania (BX3.tm).
Since we are covering both games in one team, the amount of players will be higher than what you are used to see in order to actively perform in both games. Some of the players will participate in both games. The roster is big, and giving an introduction to all these players would take too much time, but worth mentioning is "20-100"; Captain of the French national team in TM2. Also worth mentioning is "klovni"; currently voted as the best TM2 player by Fragster. With Team eNigmas recent top 5 placement in ESL Major Series IX TMNF, there will be an exciting future in BX3 with both online, and hopefully some LAN-attandance."
Here is our current roster:
Management (5)
Marius "Marius89" Wenke
Gianluca "Figos" Longhi
Nicklas "Fuskern" Høisveen
Peter "znik" Skarstein
Kristoffer "TinTin" Somby
Vincent "20-100" Hadre
Clèment "Clemouf" Massicot
Jonathan "Kryw" Nobre
Kasperi "klovni" Aaltonen
Jere "jerhi" Hämäläinen
Mathias azina" Barsk
Moritz "pranksta" Lottig
Fabian "ChillerSide" Schroer
Andrea "Extreme" Benedetti
Phillipe "Remix" Alves
Christian "Solid" Lopez
Irmantas "B1ts" Liepis
Frantisek "NeO" Filac
Andrè "Chaos" Oliveira
Rafael "wh1sper" Ramos
Rodrigo "battou" Morais
Stefan "BlackCat" Hellström
Emre"Respect Gezer
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