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For it's 17th edition, the Virtual-Lan will host another time a TrackMania² Stadium : DIRT tournament. The association askes your support and is looking for maps to create the VL#17 official mappack!
Mapping Rules
- Before your map name: $o$s$fffVL$f00#$fff17 - "name_map"
- The map has to be exclusive (never used for any comp or any server).
- The length have to be between 50s and 1:05min.
- The map have to be respawnable from each CP.
- Mod day or sunrise and only game signs allowed.
- Create advertisments areas (copy/paste this url in the blocks : http://i.imgur.com/6l8feD3.jpg).
- Light block-mixing & Road (not so much please) allowed.
- Be carreful with your scenary ! < 3200 planets.
- Take time to work on the bugs, on the fluidity, the overall technic and the landings of your map.
The deadline to send your maps to this e-mail (maps-virtual-lan@hotmail.fr) is Sunday May 28th 2017. The maps will be tested and sent back if you have something to change. About the final answer, you'll get it as soon as possible on social networks. Go in the editor !
About the VL#17
The Virtual-Lan#17 will takes place on June 30th to July 2nd at La Ferté Macé (France). You can check informations and register on the website => http://virtual-lan.fr/
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