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After almost one month of mapping submissions, it's time to launch the testing phase ! This year the staff decided to change the testing-system by giving you all the rights to vote for your favorite tracks. All the registrated players will be allowed to chose the offcial GA 2017 different mappacks for Dirt and Canyon (Tech and Fullspeed tournaments will be managed by the staff).
TrackMania² Stadium: DIRT -
For the Dirt tournament, this year you have the opportunity to rate maps on the Drakonia related server (maniaplanet://#join=drakoservmp321@TMStadium). You'll be able to join the server only if you're registered to the GA 2017 Dirt tournament. Testing phase is opened from Monday March 6th to Wednesday March 15th. After this deadline, tracks with the best average will be selected and official mappacks will be released the following week-end (March 18-19th) . In case of equality between two or more tracks, the staff keeps all the rights to pick the track they think fits the most.
TrackMania² CANYON -
For the Canyon tournament, this year you have the opportunity to rate maps on the Drakonia related server (http://maniaplanet://#join=drakoservmp401@TMCanyon). You'll be able to join the server only if you're registered to the GA 2017 Canyon tournament. Testing phase is opened from Monday March 6th to Wednesday March 15th. After this deadline, tracks with the best average will be selected and official mappacks will be released the following week-end (March 18-19th) . In case of equality between two or more tracks, the staff keeps all the rights to pick the track they think fits the most.
Registrations -
Registrations are opened until the D-day, but don't wait and join us now ! Here's a little overview of the tournament's fill rates:
- TM² Stadium TECH : (12/32 slots)
- TM² Stadium DIRT : (13/24 slots)
- TM² Stadium FULLSPEED : (3/16 slots)
- TM² CANYON : (10/16 slots)
Register to your favorite tournament here.
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