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"Hi everyone,
As said in the Hello Planet #6, a Maniaplanet World Cup on Shootmania Elite and Trackmania 2 Stadium will take place at the end of the year around November. More information about the Final event will be unveiled later.
Here is a the schedule:
- Step 1: July / August : creating the maps and test them out
- Step 2: From September : starting the online qualifier
- Step 3: Around November: Grand Final
The Drakonia team and the Paragon team will run online qualifier.
However all players having a talent (mapping, organization, running servers, testing maps, etc) or just liking doing things with the maniaplanet spirit are welcome to contact the Drakonia team and the Paragon team for joining the adventure.
For Trackmania 2 Stadium:
1. Map criteria:
- Name: MC - Name of the map (without colors)
- Length: Between 55s and 1min10
- Mood: Day
- Hexadecimal: Only with the game tool and only if it's clean
- Please use the official TrackMania² Stadium title by NADEO (no custom blocks or objects)
- Style: Tech (like ESWC or ESL maps), progressive difficulty, alternative finish, opportunity to take different trajectory, decisive passage, attractive scenery but not overloaded. The map must use the full competences of the player.
2. Upload your map on Mania Exchange
3. Send your productions (please write MC maps in object) here: trackmania[at]drakonia.eu before Sunday 14th August at midnight."
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