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It's time to bring out the map editor of TrackMania²Stadium Tech, Dirt and FullSpeed for the first time ! We need a packmap for the Gamers Assembly 2016 (26,27 and 28 March, Poitiers, France) This is an opportunity to show your talents in the map editor!
Rules for the maps (Stadium Tech):
- Name: GA2016 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Length: Between 55s and 1min10
- Mood: Day
- Please use the official TrackMania² Stadium title by NADEO NADEO (ESL Titlepack : Not Allowed) (no custom blocks or objects)
- Hexadecimal: Only with the game tool and only if it's clean
- Style: Tech/Speed tech , progressive difficulty, alternative finish, opportunity to take different trajectory, decisive passage, attractive scenery but not overloaded (<2500). The map must use the full competences of the player, and try to avoid the compact maps.
Send your productions (please write GA_TECH in object) here: trackmania[at]drakonia.eu before Sunday, February 14th at midnight.
Rules for the maps (Stadium Dirt):
- Name: GA2016 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Length: Between 50s and 1min05
- Mood: Day
- Please use the official TrackMania² Stadium title by NADEO NADEO (ESL Titlepack : Not Allowed) (no custom blocks or objects)
- Hexadecimal: Only with the game tool and only if it's clean
- Style: Tech/Speed tech , progressive difficulty, alternative finish (if technical one), opportunity to take different trajectory, attractive scenery but not overloaded (<3200). The map must use the full competences of the player, and try to avoid the compact maps.
Send your productions (please write GA_DIRT in object) here: trackmania[at]drakonia.eu before Sunday, February 14th at midnight.
Rules for the maps (Stadium FullSpeed):
- Name: GA2016 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Length: Between 45s and 55s
- Mood: Day
- Please use the official TrackMania² Stadium title by NADEO (ESL Titlepack : Not Allowed) (no custom blocks or objects)
- Hexadecimal: Only with the game tool and only if it's clean
- Style: FullSpeed, progressive difficulty, opportunity to take different trajectory, decisive passage, attractive scenery but not overloaded (<8000). The map must use the full competences of the player, and try to avoid the compact maps.
Send your productions (please write GA_FULLSPEED in object) here: trackmania[at]drakonia.eu before Sunday, February 14th at midnight.
Include the official signs in your map (use our url):
- https://mania-actu.com/uploads/images/files/download/Signs/logo_map_ga2016_ga.jpg
- https://mania-actu.com/uploads/images/files/download/Signs/logo_map_ga2016_ma.jpg
- https://mania-actu.com/uploads/images/files/download/Signs/logo_map_ga2016_drak.jpg
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