This article was written by a member of the community !
08 |
Greetings fellow "dirtsters"!
Time to refresh memories and take a look at some of the older corners of the hood. Grab that old keyboard or gamepad, put on some older music and put the pedal to the metal. Yep, dore²cuo is bringing back the noughties!
dore²cuo is organizing an all summer tournament creatively called the dore²cuo Summer Cup aka DSC. We've three summer months to play which means three separate prizes as well. Join us in June for the oldie tracks and show the competitors how time has not made your memory fade away. And who knows what July or August are bringing up. Probably nothing special, but at least a monthly tournament! ;)
So what is it all about then?
It's a TA cup. 12-15 maps each month, make your best times and the total time matters in the rankings. Each month runs until the evening of 26th and starts as soon as the new month arrives so we can make the transition for next month's cup in timely manner :)
You can find the stats page here
Prizes? Muck yea we have prizes!
At the end of each month we have a monthly winner and random three players will each get planets. Yep, that means there will be no prizes whether you win or lose, it's just random luck. The winners get something far more valuable - the bragging rights and the throne of DSC2015 champion! If you want to donate more planets for prizes, you're welcome to do so until the end of June by sending them to TM login "daigle" and they will be added directly to the "pot" equally. The donations will be anonymous. So far we've over 40k planets to give out so who knows what we'll come up with ;)
Do I need to register?
Nope, just join one of the servers and show those skills to the world!
What? Where? When?
We've 3 servers running and waiting for drivers. A 7 minutes server, a 15 minutes server and a hefty 25 minutes server to really do some proper grinding.
Servers are located in Croatia, but here are the quick links for you:
Note that the servers will be automatically restarted every day at 6:00AM CET.
Aaaaand the self-explanatory stuff:
Do not cut or cheat in any way or we will send dinosaurs after you to rip you into pieces. If we do find a cut on a map, the map will either be removed or replaced. If we find out someone cut or cheated, we may ask for a replay and act on it individually. Please report any law breakers to the police, cutters and cheaters to us.
daigle and the rest of the crew reserves the right to change anything in the tournament.

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