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The ESL Dirt PremierShip is back for it's 4th edition. Here are all the informations you need to take part of the most important Dirt competition of the year !
- Teams must be composed of 6 players MIN and 30 players MAX.
- Teams are allowed to register several Line-Ups.
- It won't be possible to add players during the whole season.
- Composition of leagues will be made according to the results of the last season. New teams will join the last divisions.
- Each match will be divided in four submatches: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5. (driver of 1v1 can't do 2v2)
- Every submatch will have its own map (same for 1v1 / 2v2), 7 pts/map, team mod.
- The victory is played with the maps (1v1=1pt / 2v2=1pt / 3v3=2pts / 5v5=2pts).
- Default date for a match is Sunday @ 21:00 CET. Teams are allowed to organize their match before this default date.
- Only one new map will be released each weeks, and will replace the oldest. Look below for more explanations.
- New mappacks will be released -HERE- each sunday night.
Only one new map will be released each day :
- Day 1 Map ABC (from 18/05 to 24/05)
- Day 2 Map BCD (from 25/05 to 31/05)
- Day 3 Map CDE (from 01/06 to 07/06)
- Day 4 Map DEF (from 08/06 to 14/06)
- Day 5 Map EFG (from 15/06 to 21/06)
=> In order, first map for 1v1/2v2, second map for 3v3, third map for 5v5.
Only the four best teams from first division after the league phase will join the playoffs. A single mappack will be used for this phase.
- Day 1 Map ABC (from 22/06 to 28/06)
- Day 2 Map BCA (from 29/06 to 05/07)
- Day 3 Map CAB (from 06/07 to 12/07)
=> In order, first map for 1v1/2v2, second map for 3v3, third map for 5v5.
To register your team, go -HERE- . You have until May 17th @ 20:00 CET to do it. After that you won't be able to add players to your Line-Up(s). Who will succeed to VirtReal Team, 3rd season winners ? It depends of you !
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