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Hello everybody,
In this post we will discuss how the GTC tournament will be played.
We have 4 mappacks in total. We will release the first one April 19th. You will be able to download them from mania exchange, or play on our server in Time Attack.
On saturday, May 2nd at 7PM CEST we will change the server to Cup mode, and you will be able to train the maps in Cup mode for a little while.
Then, at 7:30 PM we will begin the first race, in which we drive each map 4 times before switching to the next one. And once the first player has gotten 250 points,
the top 15 / 20 / 25 (this depends on the total number of players we will have) will recieve a number of points.
On sunday, the 3th of May, we will release mappack 2. You will be able to train the maps until saturday May 9th.
Now, the same routine as above takes place.
On sunday, the 10th of May, we will release mappack 3. You will be able to train the maps until saturday May 16th.
The same routine as above takes place.
On sunday, the 17th of May, we will release the final mappack. You will be able to train the maps until saturday May 30th.
Then, the the final of GTC season 1 will be played with the top 20 scoring players.
They will be devided in 2 groups of 10 where out of each group the first 3 go through to the grand final
The 2 worst scoring drivers in both of these groups will be knocked out of the tournament and send home with nothing.
The remaining guys (place 4-8 from the groups) will fight in a match with 10 drivers over the last 4 available spots in the grand final.
In the grand final those 10 guys will drive in an all out match where all maps will be played 10 times each,
after the final map has been played the driver with the most ammount of points is the winner.
In case of a draw there will be a sudden death on the last map and the winner of that round will take it.
If we reach a certain ammount of players participating we will invest some money into prizes to send the top 3 medals.
The winner will win a skillvideo as well which will be released just before season 2 just like with Evt.
If we dont reach that goal we will divide 20k planets + server donated planets as prizes instead.
The following maps will be the maps for mappack no. 1:
- Gtc - Metropolis By Dodeka http://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracks/view/84475/gtc-metropolis
- Gtc - Harmony Of Grassing by ZiZo http://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracks/84476
- Gtc - HitchHike by MCjava http://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracks/view/84477/gtc-hitchhike
You can download and rate the maps on their respective pages with awards or download the full mappack in 1 go from this link:http://goo.gl/iECqud
You can also choose to join us on our official time attack server for some online times and comparison with other drivers, You can find our server via this link: maniaplanet://#join=edcserver@TMStadium or search for it in game yourself: EDCl Grasstech Cup (Training)
If something isn't clear to you, please let us know!
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