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Hello everyone,
The Gamers Assembly is in a few weeks and we have a great news for the Maniaplanet community. An open area exclusively reserved for the Maniaplanet players, “the ManiaFanZone” will be very soon available where you can run fun tournaments either on the gamemodes either on the title packs you want!
Winners will be awarded with Maniaplanet goodies.
Registrations will be opened on the Gamers Assembly website very soon: http://www.gamers-assembly.net/en
There is no restriction to the modes you can play on this area.
Those tournaments will be organized according to the number of players registered on each gamemode.
For the Maniaplanet players already registered to an official Maniaplanet tournament, you’re free to participate as well!
As soon as the registrations on the Gamers Assemble website are open, we will post a thread on the maniaplanet forums so that you can suggest your tournaments and invite other players to join them: https://forum.maniaplanet.com/
So stay tuned to run your tournament at the Gamers Assembly 2015!
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