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Hello Guys!
I am planning to make a 4Fun Tech competition!
It should be a Competition where you can hunt a track for one week on MX and then the next map follows!
You can win planets in the prize pot every week, which should be made every time with donations and my planets....
If i can get it, every track WR will be watchable on youtube. But i am not sure with that, because my TM² Replay Editor has problems....
For donations: the login is: speed__aerosol
Every sunday a new map is coming, which you can upload ( or i do if you want) on Sunday morning - i will tell you the date then.
I make the dates when i have all 10 maps
Submit Maps
I want to have 10 Maps, you can send them to tim.bohlemann@gymnasium-gag.de or at Facebook (Tim Bohlemann)
You will get feedback in the following days after submitting!
Criterions are:
- Lenght ~ 0:55 to ~ 1:20
- It should be symetrical
- It should be a track with a lot of tech curves, but get creative :) There should be "normal" and "not normal" tracks
- It should contain some signs (here and here)
- GPS is not needed
- Blockmixing is allowed
- You can just submit one map, but you can submit a new map for driving instead of a old map)
- The tag is $o$999s$ff0s$999t ~ [Mapname] (you can change the colour of the second s)
- You should make camchanges in loops and wallrides
- Intro and Outro is fine with me
I will devide the dolations in this constellation:
Every map winner: 1/20 of the planets
The player with most times #1 1/8 of the planets
The player with the most points 3/8 of the planets
Points were given for the first 10 MX records - the first will get 10, the 2nd 9, ... and the 10th 1 point.
If you have any questions - write to me!
Best Regards
>> News Tools
Here are some changes and the map list:
1.) prizepot is now totally 5000 planets (donators: aerosol (3000 p); pr0ducer (2000p)) 2.) I want to have 5 symetrical and 5 not symetrical Tech maps! 3.) The signs had wrong links: that are the right
(http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/tag1urt7x95wle.jpg and http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/speedbanner7206wudpe8.jpg) And now the map list:
- sst ~ Tentalfire by aerosol [symetrical]
- sst ~ Reduction by Runaway [not symetrical]
- sst ~ Manta by pr0ducer [symetrical]
- sst ~ [Harnstoff] by SerS [not symetrical]
- sst ~ Hydro by Wisstem [not symetrical]