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It's time to bring out the map editor of TrackMania² Stadium ! We need a new packmap for the ESWC World final ! This is an opportunity to show your talents in the map editor, the maps will be played by the best players in the world and seen by thousands of people on the ESWC big stage !
Rules for the maps:
- Name: ESWC 2014 - Name of the map (without colors)
- Length: Between 55s and 1min10
- Mood: Day
- Hexadecimal: Only with the game tool and only if it's clean
- Style: Speed tech / Tech, progressive difficulty, alternative finish, opportunity to take different trajectory, decisive passage, attractive scenery but not overloaded. The map must use the full competences of the player.
Send your productions (please write TM_ESWC in object) here: trackmania[at]drakonia.eu before Saturday, September 20th at midnight.
Include the official signs in your map (use our url):
- http://www.mania-actu.com/uploads/images/files/download/Signs/logo_map_eswc_2014.jpg
- http://www.mania-actu.com/uploads/images/files/download/Signs/logo_map_ma_2014.jpg
- http://www.mania-actu.com/uploads/images/files/download/Signs/logo_map_drak_2014.jpg
And remember you can download the universal demo here
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1) you have to test and choose 5 maps among all. It takes some time to be done well. Let's say 2 weeks, function of maps number you received: 9th of october, maps are official.
2) Players should have more or less one month to practice tracks in order to be fine on day D. It could be in fact 3.5 weeks: it's not a lot.
Hope the final packmap will be tasty this year and not made in a hurry. BECAUSE I'M GONNA COMMENTATE AGAIN SO IT MUST BE CRAZY STUFF LOL §§§ /DD
Should be fun !
The maps will be out at the right time :)
You can send two copy of the map, with and without :p