--- The event will be scored using the Local Records on the ARK - Events Server. You must place in the top 30 positions on a map to receive points.
--- Each position on the local records (up to 30 positions) is worth 1 point; therefore, 1 point will go to 30th place, 2 points to 29th place, so on and so forth to 2nd place receiving 29 points and 1st receiving 30 points.
--- Scores will be posted after each week and event totals will determine the final rankings for the event. The top 20 positions will receive prizes.
Map Submissions
- Create up to 3 Tech maps, or a sub genre of tech
- Each map must be between 30-40 seconds
- Use signs to show direction
- Use enough Cp's and check for cuts (if a cut is found on your map, it will be replaced with another map submission)
- The map must be new, not uploaded anywhere, and only known to you
- We will be accepting map submissions until [b]August 15th[/b];however, if you wish to have one of your maps selected for the earlier weeks of the event, you must submit your map(s) at least 2 days before the start of that week.
Submit your map(s), with replays, in-game name, and TMX name to:
>> arktm2@gmail.com <<
We will notify you if your map is chosen. You will upload it to TMX the day before the week in which it is used
The event is broken down into 3 weeks, with 3 different maps each week. Since it is Time Attack, you can play whenever you want. Points are totaled each week and event totals determine the 20 racers that recieve a portion of the 120,000 planet prize pool.
Event Info
It will be a fun event!
Week 2 results are astounding! A major turn has taken place in the event. Mid-range ranked players have reached the top, the top has falling, and new players have arrived to steal some of the positions in the top 20 records! Week 1 was the introduction maps, a bit difficult, yet fun. Week 2 was really meant to push your buttons, I hope it did :p . However, week 3 maps focus more on flow and sensitivity. I will not be making comparison replays for Week 3, so bring your "A" game and fight to steal those points!
It is awesome to see the TM community pull together and really make this event happen. We can't do it without the support and activity of the members. Thank you all and have fun during Week 3 of the Cyprus cup :D