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A TrackMania community event in Germany
- Date: November, 11th to 13th, 2011
- Place: Frankenberg, Germany
- Games: TMNF and TM²
There were already some rumors. Now

Fragster: Hi d-moll you already gave out many rumors, mainly on your twitter Account ( What are you really planning?
d-moll: In my 2.5 years as an ESL Admin I met six admins and maybe 15 TrackMania players which I really knew. That's not much, I love to meet all those guys flaming in comments on news to meet and drink some beers with them. Especially the TM community had in earlier times the image of a big family. Maybe you remember for example the action “Community with Heart”. In Germany we don't have any big offline tournament. No LAN-Party understands how TM works. When I heard in some discussions with other guys that they felt the same way, the idea of a TM community event was born. And now it starts to run great. It's so amazing how many guys already want to help me.
What are your expectations for a TrackMania event?
In my whole admin career I tried to show the best of Trackmania on the screens and in accordance with the style of Trackmania. Unfortunately they are much events organized by people who are not related to the TM community but those do have sometimes big prizes. We will try something different here, the prizes won't be the most important thing. In the main thing it will be a Community meeting, no matter if you are Pro or amateur, Speed or Tech, TMNF or TM2! You should travel there because it will be something really new in Germany, to meet all those nice people. So join us on 11th to 13th November in Frankenberg in Germany.
Why will it be held in eastern Germany?
In my last years I have discussed and explained so many times what does TM means and how does it work. Unfortunately in Germany none of the large LAN-Parties has seen the worth of this game. That's why I have no chance to get good surroundings and freedom for our great ideas.
On the other side a smaller LAN is also good for a friendly meeting.
Nevertheless, the hosts of the HSF-Clanwars in Frankenberg are really great to us. We will have our own room, Internet for many many hours of videostreams and some cool additional things.
The LAN itself will be well organized, in a pleasant place in a city hall, with pizza and kebab makers in the house, top tournament organization and cool side events. We are also planning to have PCs on the spot for guys coming from far away, cheap airport shuttle, etc.
You talked about help of the scene you get?
Altough some will misunderstand the comparison, the idea is to do something like TaKe's HomeStory Cups ["StarCraft II", ed.]. There are already people who want to help me, like: Deathdriver, Predator, Darkknight, Chris92, kaddl, Spacemonkey, Paddy, hotti, Cracker, Enfi, ckay,.. All those guys have achieved great things for TM in Germany.
But there will be other guys such as RoB, r2k, Russki who contacted me in order to help for example with an English Videostream.
Altough some will misunderstand the comparison, the idea is to do something like TaKe's HomeStory Cups ["StarCraft II", ed.]. There are already people who want to help me, like: Deathdriver, Predator, Darkknight, Chris92, kaddl, Spacemonkey, Paddy, hotti, Cracker, Enfi, ckay,.. All those guys have achieved great things for TM in Germany.
But there will be other guys such as RoB, r2k, Russki who contacted me in order to help for example with an English Videostream.

Markus 'd-moll' Razniewski
What can a pro and an amateur player expect there?
At first they will meet many known people from TrackMania who all love this game. But as already said earlier the weekend will have different events and tournaments. And there will be things for everyone. At the moment we are planning: Pro: 2on2 Tech, Main: 2on2 TM2, 1v1v1v1 Speed, Fun: King of the Hill TMNF+TM2 and maybe also some Fun tournaments aside the PC.
Of course we will try to cover and stream many hours of it hopefully in German and English and there of course with large screens.
How is it looking like with prizes?
Of course we are doing our best but at the moment it's too early to say something about it. But there will be hardware. But once again: The participation has no need to be related to prizes!
The last words are yours!
I hope that I could spark some interest. I think this is great chance for us all. So jump off your couch and come here. Of course every feedback to the upcoming ideas is really really welcome for our further plannings. So 11th to 13th November in Frankenberg!
Source: (translated)
More informations?
- d-moll's twitter:
- Website of the LAN:
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