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![[Up] Opale Arena#6 - Mapping](/img/../uploads/images/images/banners/opale6banner.jpg)
UP: We need canyon maps quickly /!\
- Deadline : Thursday, July 31th at 23:59
Send your productions (please write TM_CANYON in object) here =>
Dear mappers, The 6th edition of the Opale-Arena is announced! TrackMania² Stadium, TrackMania² Stadium - Dirt, TrackMania² Canyon and TrackMania² Valley tournaments needs your track-building skill! Here the mapping instructions.
TrackMania² Stadium
- Hexadecimal is aload but mustn't disturbe the track.
- The map must be submitted in final form
- The level of difficulty of the map must be gradual
- The length must be between 55 sec and 1min05
- The name of the map need to have the prefix "SUMMER' 14 - "
- Each mapper can submit only 3 maps plus 1 duo (additional map is taken into account for the 2 members duo)
- The maps will have Drakonia (black or white), Mania-Actu (black or white) panels and this panel where the content will be modified dynamically for each event where the mappack will be used.
- Deadline : Saturday, July 26th at 23:59
Send your productions (please write TM_TECH in object) here =>
TrackMania² Stadium: DIRT
- The map must be submitted in final form
- The length must be between 50 sec and 1min05
- The name of the map need to have the prefix "OA6 - "
- Each mapper can submit only 3 maps plus 1 duo (additional map is taken into account for the 2 members duo)
- Hexadecimal is aload but mustn't disturbe the track.
- The maps will have Drakonia (black or white), Mania-Actu (black or white)
- Deadline : Saturday, July 26th at 23:59
Send your productions (please write TM_DIRT in object) here =>
TrackMania² Canyon
- Hexadecimal is aload but mustn't disturbe the track.
- The map must be submitted in final form
- The level of difficulty of the map must be gradual
- The length must be between 55 sec and 1min05
- The name of the map need to have the prefix "SUMMER' 14 - "
- Each mapper can submit only 3 maps plus 1 duo (additional map is taken into account for the 2 members duo)
- The maps will have Drakonia (black or white), Mania-Actu (black or white) panels and this panel where the content will be modified dynamically for each event where the mappack will be used.
- Deadline : Saturday, July 26th at 23:59
Send your productions (please write TM_CANYON in object) here =>
TrackMania² Valley
- Hexadecimal is aload but mustn't disturbe the track.
- The map must be submitted in final form
- The level of difficulty of the map must be gradual
- The length must be between 55 sec and 1min05
- The name of the map need to have the prefix "SUMMER' 14 - "
- Each mapper can submit only 3 maps plus 1 duo (additional map is taken into account for the 2 members duo)
- The maps will have Drakonia (black or white), Mania-Actu (black or white) panels and this panel where the content will be modified dynamically for each event where the mappack will be used.
- Deadline : Saturday, July 26th at 23:59
Send your productions (please write TM_VALLEY in object) here =>
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#1 by
Deejay on 2014-07-03 at 15:36

One map in work for me, come-on mappers!

#2 by
Slowarse on 2014-07-07 at 15:03

I sent one for tech !

#3 by
Eldrad on 2014-07-10 at 13:53

my map is send

#4 by
Nene on 2014-07-11 at 13:28

À quand un seul pack pour une saison sur les TrackMania ?

#5 by
Eldrad on 2014-07-12 at 12:18

bah en fait y en avait 1 pour les masters, pourquoi ne pas l'avoir garder c'est une autre question
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