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The 6th edition of the Opale-Arena is announced! Organized by the E2G staff, this LAN will takes place on August 22nd to 24th in Oye-Plage (62).
This LAN will host not less than 5 Maniaplanet games! You will find some:
- ShootMania : Storm - (12 slots) - 500€ + Hardwares
- TrackMania² : Stadium TECH - (12 slots) - 180€ + Hardwares
- TrackMania² : Stadium DIRT - (12 slots) - 180€ + Hardwares
- TrackMania² : Canyon - (12 slots) - 180€ + Hardwares
- TrackMania² : Valley - (12 slots) - 180€ + Hardwares
> Slots and Cash-prizes can be increased if needed!
About the registrations, firstly you have to make a pre-registration -Here-. After this step you'll be able to buy your ticket. The price is the same for every ManiaPlanet games : 30€ for each slot (90€ for a ShootMania Team ofc). The price for the visitor and manager tickets are 5€. You can buy your tickets -Here- .
Of course, we can't do a LAN on TrackMania without asking your track-building's skill ! You will find all the rules about the Mapping Request in this news -Here-.
About the ShootMania mappack which will be used, it's already in preparation, we will let you up to date as soon as possible!
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