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Hello fellow trackmania players !
The french trackmania community has grown up lately, and I'm proud to present to you the Trackmania Player's page.
The idea of this sheet is to gather as many informations as we can about each Trackmania² Stadium player (mostly Tech for now, but I'm sure we can do exactly the same thing for Dirt and Fullspeed players), such as :
- Personnal informations (name, age, nationality)
- Personnal results (online results, LAN results)
- Team results
- Previous teams that each player has been with
I thought this sheet to simply have access to lots of informations for commentating, or even newsing. By doing so, they won't have to go on several websites to gather name, age or even results through many sites as ESL, TMM to do so.
I started this sheet on my own so there is still some mistakes, related to names, age or event previous teams. Please don't be offended if such thing appears, I don't have all the knowledge of this scene. I'm still looking for helpers to fill the sheet...
In the end, I hope that developers could build a real database with all these informations, but I hope this compromise will help many people.
Don't hesitate to contact me via skype [cr4p0.] or e-mail : cR4p0[at]hotmail[ dot]fr if you are interested in this project.
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