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The Gamers-Assembly 2014 which took place this week-end in Poitiers is over. More than 1300 players were there and almost 170 players for the three ManiaPlanet games represented : ShootMania Storm ELITE, TrackMania² Stadium TECH & TrackMania² Stadium DIRT. Here are the podiums, the rewards and the VOD's of the different finals.
ShootMania : Storm ELITE
42 teams of 3 players were registered for one of the biggest SM event ever. After, almost, a perfect tournament, Awsomniac team which lost only one map in playoff (versus EyesOnYou) managed to win the GA 2k14 Grand-Final in only three maps (WB / 9-7 / 9-5) versus aAa team, Pyro-LDLC team completes the podium and Aera-eSport finished 4th. Find the whole tree -here-. Check the VOD of the Grand-Final below.
Awsomniac - 1500€ + 3 Alienware X51 + 3 SSD Extreme II 240GB SanDisk
Team aAa - 900€ + 3 SSD UltraPlus 256GB SanDisk
Pyro-LDLC - 600€ + 3 SSD UltraPlus 128GB SanDisk
Aera-eSport - ManiaPlanet Pack
TrackMania2 : Stadium TECH
26 players were registered for the traditional Tech tournament at Gamers-Assembly. The Slovakian players Tween &
hakkiJunior who made a perfect tournament, qualified themselves for the grand-final by winning the winner-bracket final. The real surprise of the tournament was the performance of
Zo0m &
Kronos who managed to eliminate
Yoyo who won the two last Gamers-Assembly, in the loser-bracket final. In the Grand-Final, Tween was really impressived and won the GA ahead Kronos, hakkiJunior completes the podium and Zo0m finishes 4th. Find the whole tree -here-. Check the VOD of the Grand-Final below.
eSuba.Tween - 500€ + SSD Extreme II 240GB SanDisk
Hpy.Kronos - 300€ + SSD UltraPlus 256GB SanDisk
eSuba.hakkiJunior - 200€ + SSD UltraPlus 128GB SanDisk
Pyro-LDLC.Zo0m - ManiaPlanet Pack
TrackMania2 : Stadium DIRT
24 players were there to win the first Dirt tournament at Gamers-Assembly. Nico and
Néo, who made a great tournament, managed to win the winner-bracket final and were joined by
Boss.Wanted &
Akidos, the Belgian suprise of the tournament, in Grand-Final! After a close Final, it's Nico who won, ahead Boss.Wanted, Néo completes the podium and Akidos finishes 4th. Find the whole tree -here-. Check the VOD of the Grand-Final below.
VirtReal.Nico - 500€ + SSD Extreme II 240GB SanDisk
Subliminal.BossWanted - 300€ + SSD UltraPlus 256GB SanDisk
VirtReal.Néo - 200€ + SSD UltraPlus 128GB SanDisk
NWT.Akidos - ManiaPlanet Pack
Also you can find some videos about interviews, presentations etc who took place on Gamers-Assembly 2k14. Here are some ones.
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Du Aura donc du très bon boulot :-)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1prcy0_drakonia-tv-1_videogames (Brackets)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1pzv1i_drakonia-tv-1_videogames (Finale Looser Bracket Tech)
Enjoy ! ;)