This article was written by a member of the community !
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We need your maps!
With CPS13 coming up later this Spring, we naturally need new maps to play this premiership on! That's why we're again asking for help from the community to send us maps, which we can use in CPS13. In this newspost you find more information about what sort of maps we're looking for, where to send them and what the deadline is for sending in the maps.
Map requirements
Make sure the maps you send in comply with the following rules:
- Name: "ESL-'name'" use what you want for "name"
- No special signs in the name
- Length: 50 - 65 seconds
- Use of ESL Signs
- Checkpoints backwards are forbidden (only in special cases)
- Using player/team/builder names in mapname is forbidden
- The tracks are not uploaded anywhere
- Blockmixing is allowed, if it does not produce graphical glitches or driving bugs
- Try stick to the daylight moods (morning, day)
- GPS, Intros & Outros are forbidden
- Use new blocks
- The scenery is up to you (make sure it doesn't produce lags, lighting problems or graphical bugs!)
- The tracks were not used in any competition before
- The tracks are just known by yourself
Send the maps, together with a replay, to the following E-Mail address:
>>> <<<
Please use the following style for your mail subject.
"Maps - Competition - *your nickname*", else your E-Mail may be missed.
The deadline for submitting your map is Sunday, 27th of April!
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