This article was written by a member of the community !
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![[3x5] CUP // Canyon // 2014](
Hi all,
In brief, a new CUP in TrackMania 2 Canyon begins.
Big CUP-Screenshot :
There will be a cup called "3x5". That means, that there will be 15 tracks devided in 3 blocks of 5 tracks.
These tracks will be driven in TA with an 8 minute time limit.
The server will be called "[3x5] CUP SERVER"
( located in Germany/Bayern/München --> engl: Germany/Bavaria/Munich )
The one who has the BEST SERVER RANK wins.
CUP beginn is 05.04.2014 at 8.00pm CET
CUP End is 13.04.2014 at 8.00pm CET
There are still some video's uploaded to CUP-start on YouTube, where I present the maps.
As you might have already seen in the trailer, you can win really big prices :
1. Place 80 EURO
2. Place 60 EURO
3. Place 40 EURO
These get the TOP 3 from Ubisoft / Nadeo TrackMania goodies like T-shirts, pin's, Stickers, etc.
Otherwise there are also 30,000 Planets :
1. Place 5000
2. Place 4500
3. Place 4000
4. Place 3500
5. Place 3000
6. Place 2500
7. Place 2000
8. Place 1500
9. Place 1000
10. Place 750
11. Place 650
12. Place 550
13. Place 450
14. Place 350
15. Place 250
I hope you're doing. Please share the link of this event that many people participate.
8 minutes Time Attack
15 Maps
No Map restart or mapskip by vote. Only Pay2Replay.
Cheaters will be banned.
I send money via PayPal only, Planets only ingame.
All changes, results and other information about the CUP I will tell you in ManiaPlanet forum :
Then may the better win.
gl & hf
Greetings Luporacer2
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#1 by
riolu on 2014-03-23 at 14:49

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